Britt Rogers
Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Blackman High School
Duke University
Jesus, Music, Singing, You, Soccer, Basketball, Football, Nascar, Skating, Soccer, Acting, Soccer, music
Favorite Music
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nelly, Sugarcult, UnderOath, mewithoutYou, Beastie Boys, Bubba Sparxx, Foo Fighters, A Perfect Circle, The White Stripes, Panic! At the Disco, Weezer, My Chemical Romance, Queen, Black Sabbath, Ying Yang Twins, Augustana, Bob Marley, Frank Sinatra, Coolio, Franz Ferdinand, Brand New, The Killers, Outkast, Muse, Elvis, The Gorillaz, Led Zeppelin, Tegan and Sara, Jack Johnson, Rise Against, The Early November, Jimi Hendrix, Chingy, Modest Mouse
Favorite Movies
Fun with Dick and Jane, Elizabethtown, School of Rock, Anchorman, The Mummy, MindHunters, The Ring, The Ring 2, Monty Python, austin powers, dodgeball, star wars, lord of the rings, spiderman, finding nemo, tommy boy, pirates of the caribbean
Favorite Books
A Wrinkle in Time, Ella Enchanted, Uglies, Pretties, Specials, The Prophet, The Bible, The Phantom Tollbooth, The Passion of Artemisia
Other Websites
November 22 2006
i've been reading my yearbooks.
everyone is so convinced i'm "the coolest and funniest person they know".
apparently i've changed.
lots has changed since i was robbed.
i got a new stereo.
i got lots of new things.
and i lost even more things.
how emo i sound.
le gay.
LOVE// Britt
I was robbed.
July 30 2006
thieves came in and stole the stereo out of my truck.
stupid theives.
[they left my amps, cds, and subs]
tha murf isn't like it used to be...
LOVE// Britt
i've decided
May 28 2006
i will be going to medical school.
i will also be getting my doctorate. [i don't know how to spell it]
my cousin will be hooding me when i finally graduate medical school.
i'm very excited.
i love Ohio.
LOVE// Britt
April 04 2006
it's coming.
i'm very excited.
like...really excited.
miss me while i'm gone.
LOVE// Britt
tra la la...
March 27 2006
i'm painting my room...
you should come see it...
the majority of my spring break so far was soccer...
and i don't mind...
ninja meditate on top of mountain
i like boys...
i hope they like me...
because i'd rather that girls NOT have crushes on me...gross.
and now...i'm going to go pierce my lip. kbye.
LOVE// Britt
March 13 2006
oh love. sweet sorrowful joy that encompasses love.
i got a new tattoo.
it says "yes pimp juice eat babies for clothing"
i have glasses.
i like this one guy...no...not mr. "grab a handfull"...someone with real character...he said we're going to get married on top of a mountain...and there will be flutes playing...and trumpets. and so on...
i like balloons.
i'm in a play. and i'll claim it.
tomorrow is my dad's birthday.
i tend to like boys that have the first initial of B or J...sometimes it strays to the random Ks or the crazy Ss.
i have awful judgements come upon myself...mostly about my appearances.
before the orchestra plays shoeless joe...we grind and massage backstage...yeah bubba. hahahah.
i like the summer.
i'm afraid of storms.
i'm afraid of not getting married.
i like to give random facts to you about me.
LOVE// Britt
mmmmm tasty
March 12 2006
crushes are tasty.
i like them. they make me feel girlish. and i'm 172 years old. mwahahhahaha...lines from the play.
oh the play
mmm my favorite.
hey look...people think we're twins...
LOVE// Britt
heck yes
March 06 2006
WHY does LIFE treat ME so SPLENDIDLY!?
i'm not quite sure but i enjoy it.
LOVE/ Britt
February 28 2006
this play will be...amazing. Come see Damn Yankees at Blackman. mostly because you will never regret it. this is my shameless plug of the play.
i have had quite a few great revelations. yes. and most of them come about at play rehearsal. i'm telling you...it's life changing.
that's all i have.
i like shadows.
LOVE/ Britt
dubiously large expressions.
February 23 2006
i am in the mirthful sphere of existance in which i adulate no one. i find myself wonderfully freed. sometimes i long for a crony to consort me in times of need. but all in all my substantiality isn't relying on any paramour. i belive i am complacent for the time being.
LOVE// Britt
OH em GEE!
February 22 2006
so i was sitting here thinking...
i have so many things i would like to accomplish. but instead i like to get on the computer and talk to friends.
LOVE/ Britt
February 21 2006
this one time...i was having a dream. and then...i killed my best friend and a guy that i hate. i slit their throats with a shovel. oh my gosh...i'm scurred of myself!
okay. i like snow. it needs to come again.
i'm thinking i like someone. this boy. yeah...i think so.
okay. that's all.
LOVE/ Britt
holy heavens
February 20 2006
i scored another goal this weekend.
This quiz said if i was a stripper i should dance to Closer by NIN...because "when i dance it's a little scary, a lot sexy". weirdos.
this other one was pretty much right on...but it says i can get whatever i want because i manipulate people well...hmmmmmm.
my friend is forcing me to find a boyfriend. and when i say forcing i mean it. so i'm thinking...maybe if i just say one of my friends is my "boyfriend" she'll believe me...and we can act...but not have to actually be together...oh boy...i'm so sneaky.
love you kids.
LOVE/ Britt
my weekend is better than yours.
February 18 2006
with our collars popped and our scenexcore/gangster love.
knowing the next move. and the tattoos.
keeping it fresh with the marbles aligned by color.
with the gun and the alcohol...such a nasty mix.
with the power ranger friends and the never ending story.
the Fear Before and the gangster rap.
remember that boy...he knows all my friends.
remember that other boy...he hates me now.
are you asleep?
look at this snow. it's prettier than i am.
initials laid out so nice on the trampoline.
such an effecient killer.
the sickening smell in the middle of the night.
pancake cults and cookie dough sickness.
why did they come over?
i sit and glare at you...but you like it.
36? for one person?
giant cards and open mouthed drummers.
holy jeans and non fitting clothes.
cheerleaders? always.
faggot face.
we stayed up until 5:30...only to find ourselves awake at 10.
sorority sisters? i think so.
LOVE/ Britt