Emily W.
Relationship Status
Blackman High School
God, soccer, cross country, juggling, CCC youth, canoeing, white water rafting, driving my altima. oh wait i wrecked it. dang., kayaking, sports, ultimate frisbee, nashville predators, frisbee golf, football, doubles tennis, playing in the rain, mission trips, Ecuador, Northern Ireland, broadcasting, anchoring, journalism, Braves, Spanish
Favorite Music
Postal Service, Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, America, The Beatles, Alabama, Coldplay, Lifehouse, Guster, Blind Melon, James Taylor, Lynard Skynard, Damien Rice, Scissor Sisters, Norah Jones, Billy Joel, Billy Idol, Relient K, U2, The Elms, Mae, The Afters, Incubus, Ben Harper, Ben Folds, Kelly Clarkson, ..
Favorite Movies
Life is Beautiful, Office Space, Runaway Bride, Bambi, Catch Me If You Can, The Fugitive, You Got Mail, Sixteen Candles, Italian Job, Ocean's Eleven, Gone in 60 Seconds, !
Favorite Books
the Bible, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, anything by Roald Dahl.. he was my favorite as a kid..
Other Websites
senioritis at its finest. [diagnosed 3 years ago]
August 11 2006
2 hours of my senior year of high school
is all i have experienced.
i'm done.
can i please skip out on the rest of the this year.?
help me bomb the delta hqs??
July 12 2006
ugh life... BAH
Ecuador was good stuff. i have pictures up on myspace and facebook. but way too lazy to put them on here..
been playing a lot of tennis. very enjoyable
ultimate frisbee tonight at church!! : )
friday i leave for Northern Ireland, another mission trip : ) but i'm really not looking forward to another long plane ride. Delta made the flight to Ecuador insanely awful.. hate hate hate delta. this time i'm flying u.s. scareways. doubtful it'll be much better.
used to enjoy flying. life happened. and i got a.d.d.
then when i get back on the 23rd.
july 24-25:: ::lake day with my church and the KELSEY is coming.
first time we'll really get to hang out without having to elude the gov. school officials. + tubing + jumping off houseboats + trying to avoid sunburn as my senior pics commence two days later.. eeeee
whats not to like?
good bye family
who wants to help save emily?!!
May 29 2006
if you havent heard shes been forced to go to a Nazi camp held at MTSU for the remander of the week! (aka GIRLS STATE)
first you must understand that emily DOES NOT like her own sex at all ...she does not understand the concept of make-up or girl talk or socializing or the color pink
two, you must know.. there isnt a drop of testosterone in this Nazi camp
three, if you know em...you know that singing and politics are NOT her thing at all! emily cannot carry a tune...she doesnt enjoy singing in front of large groups of shiny clean barbie-like girls and she most definitely does not want to sit in a meeting all day discussing the means of politics!
she asked me to also inform you that she has forgotten the sweet feeling of what summer is supposed to be like and can no longer remember what a computer looks like....
pray hard kids!
April 26 2006
so i saw invisible children for the 5th time tonight!!
its such an amazing movie.
each time i was it i gain new insight.
ever since i saw at sarah crane's for the second time.
me and kels brought the movie back to the boro
and have been showing it all over the place.
i'm showing it at my house tomorrow night!
i'm so excited!!
i can not wait til global night commute. i am so pumped!
we're gonna make it difference!
we're gonna have national media attention.
this is just amazing. God is just amazing!
April 21 2006
Series: Nashville 1, San Jose 0
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- The Nashville Predators signed Paul Kariya to boost their postseason hopes. He showed them just how effective he can be when it matters most.
Adam Hall scored the go-ahead goal at 12:06 of the third period by
redirecting a shot by Kariya, who assisted on all four of Nashville's
power-play goals. That carried the Predators to a 4-3 victory over the San Jose Sharks on Friday in the opener of the first-round Western Conference series.
"Anytime your best player gets on the scoreboard, you usually do win," Predators center Mike Sillinger said of Kariya.
"He finds a way to pick up points, and that's what your best players have to do to be successful. He makes great plays. He's got great speed, great vision. He's a scorer, he's a passer."
Game 2 is Sunday afternoon in Nashville.
"It's a good start for us," said Kariya, who has 11 points in his last
four games. "It's going to be a long series. That's a great hockey club over there. Our power play was clicking tonight, and (Chris Mason) Mase played very well and managed to get the win."
I got to find some way to get to the game on Sunday!
I love this man! An assist on all 4 goals. What a beast!
March 23 2006
i leave tomorrow morning for northern ireland.
wow. can't believe this trip is finally here.
i know God is going to move in ways i can't even imagine.
i'm so excited about that.
i would really appreciate your prayers.
i'm kind of nervous about this trip.
i know God is in control and will take total care of me and my group.
i guess i'm just nervous about things like sharing my testimony.
well i need to get back to packing.
i'm just so A.D.D. i'm having trouble focusing.
i hope everyone has a wonderful and safe spring break.
i get back saturday night. talk to ya'll then.
March 19 2006
In the desert You are thunder
You are all we need, all we need
You are peace where men would riot
In the turmoil there is quiet
You are all we need, all we need
I want the world to know
There is one shining hope
I want the world to know You
To the broken You bring healing
To the heart of stone revealing
You are all we need, all we need
You are friendship to the lonely
The forever one and only
You are all we need, all we need
I want the world to know
The story must be told
I want the world to know the Truth
I want the world to know
There is one shining hope
I want the world to know You
You are love where there is hatred
You are life and You are sacred
You are all we need, all we need
I want the world to know
The story must be told
I want the world to know the Truth
I want the world to know
There is one shining hope
I want the world to know You
so God showed me the theme song for my Northern Ireland mission trip today in the service..
only 5 days away!!!
i'm so busy..
and such a mess.
March 15 2006
here's some more pics but i think some more will be coming shortly..
getting presented w/ tucker
with sam (just back from Ecuador) and laura (visiting from Illinois)
me and the bffae (ha..)
my world is in disarray.. my kitchen is completely destroyed b/c we're redoing it.. its gonna look amazing.. but for now.. how does one function without a kitchen?!.. i have to go to the bathroom to even get a drink of water..
March 10 2006
so i got a 97 on the asvab military test thing.
you only have to get like a 30ish to go into the navy or marines
you have to get at least an 85 to be able to work with nuclear weapons.
i'm gonna join the military and blow things up!
formal is tomorrow.. should be interesting.
i'm really not in to the whole getting dressed up and dancing thing.
but eh.. i'm sure it'll be cool.
my mom, brother, his roommate, and sam get home from Ecuador tomorrow!
i'm really excited about that. i've missed them!!!
February 28 2006
well dang. its been a month.
i'd kill for some belle and sebastion right now.
January 29 2006
What if you're right
He was just another nice guy
What if you're right
What if it's true
They say the cross will only make a fool of you
And what if it's true
What if He takes His place in history
With all the prophets and the kings
Who taught us love, and came in peace
But then the story ends
What then
But what if you're wrong
What if there's more
What if there's hope
You never dreamed of hoping for
What if you jump
Just close your eyes
What if the arms that catch you
Catch you by surprise
What if He's more than enough
What if it's love
What if you dig
Way down deeper than your simple-minded friends
What if you dig
What if you find
A thousand more unanswered questions down inside
That's all you find
What if you pick apart the logic
And begin to poke the holes
What if the crown of thorns is no more than fokelore that must be told
And retold
But what if you're wrong
What if there's more
What if there's hope
You never dreamed of hoping for
What if you jump
Just close your eyes
What if the arms that catch you
Catch you by surprise
What if He's more than enough
What if it's love
'Cause you've been running as fast as you can
You've been looking for a place you can land
For so long
But what if you're wrong
What if you jump
Just close your eyes
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise
What if He's more than enough
What if it's love
What if it's love
have a great week!
who should take the beating?
January 27 2006
so i got a question..
lets suppose you are cleaning your parents bathroom, listening to your ipod. you have no idea that your older brother is randomly home. you exit the bathroom holding a bottle of windex. he jumps out and screams. in fright you scream and drop the windex unknowlingly. you tackle your brother. throw him on the bed. beat him and yell alot. you then go eat supper with your brother and family. come back to the bathroom. see the windex on the carpet. pick it up. and realize it has leaked all over parent's bedroom carpet. you soaked it up w/ a towel and put resolve carpet cleaner on it. however the next day you realize there is this big dull blue spot on the carpet.
so.. would this be your fault? or your brother's?
my mom hasn't notice yet somehow. but its just looming there waiting for her to discover it. this won't be pretty.
on another note.
i asked someone to formal!
it took a heck of a lot of deliberation.
as i went back and forth on several guys.
got super close to asking like 3 other people.
but my final choice was a mcfadden alumnus, tucker netherton!
i figure its a good choice
since i will probably spend the entire night
with other mcfadden alumni, kelsey and josh.
i think i'm going dress shopping tomorrow. ugh. not exactly my thing.
one final note.
kacie brewer rocks!
she saved my butt today through chips, salsa and the buddy system.
no need for explanation.
have a good weekend!
i do believe its true
January 23 2006
the best senior class ever.
i love these guys so much.
i don't think they realize how much i and everyone else in the youth group looks up to them.
its going to be incredibly hard to let them go.
the best youth group ever.
so big. and i love it. gosh i love them all!
are you pumped?! better be pumped!
i'm pumped!
haha and yes sarah, how could i forget?!
Funky Cherries!
People actually noticed my experimental random red streak of hair today..
i wonder how long it will last hah..
Winter Camp was amazing!
I love my youth group so much!
The worship was increbible!
oh and I am a beast at four square.
at camp, i played it an insane amount.
i want to make a four square league.
January 14 2006
well dang. here i am.
here's some photos from today.
maybe a update later.. but sleep for now..
phusebox welcome back. xanga and myspace are awful compared to you!
December 31 2005
hmm random december pictures? i think so.
the cc banquet pretty fun night.
my brother, the firefighter, in the christmas parade.
my family on Christmas.
every year we do these things called cracker-you pull them and they pop open.. and inside are crowns and toys and fortunes
family picture. me and stephen aren't holding hands hah. he was hitting, i was blocking, then the flash went off and we had to look nice.
me and kelsey at the ICE!
can you believe that thing is ICE?! i couldn't either.
So my Christmas was amazing!! i love my family soo much!
lol me and my brother passed the afternoon watching aquateen hunger force hah..
but yeah it was a lovely lovely day.
then lately i've been hanging with the kelsey of course. : )
yesterday we de-wallpapered my house. we started at noon and didn't finished til past 10! it was crazy hard work.. but gangsta rap helped us stay focused. but yeah did i mention it was hard work? crazy hard? we did a two story wall on my stairs plus a big hallway. but the stairs was a beast to get done. but we did it! and we're proud.
so then today my dad took us to ICE! at opry mills.. it was colllld but amazing! very awe inspiring.
then me and kelsey went to opry mills and had the best shopping experience ever. you have no idea!
then most nights this week have been spent watching bill murray movies with kelsey and josh. pretty fun.
Have a Great New Year's!
I want to tell everyone to be SAFE!
but that might be asking too much?
oh did i mention my ipod is messed up?! yeah it is. and i'm going to kill somebody.
oh and i love the legends. amazing band. listen to them. no regrets.