Emilio Estevez
Relationship Status
UT Knoxville
Music. yeah...music.
Favorite Music
12 Stones, 3 Doors Down, A Perfect Circle, AC/DC, Al jarreau, Alkaline Trio, Andrew W.K., Aphex Twin, The Arcade Fire, Audioslave, Barenaked Ladies, Beastie Boys, Beck, Bela Flek, Ben Folds, Ben Folds Five, Benny Goodman, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Bing Crosby, Black Crowes, Black Sabbath, Blink-182, Bloc Party, Blonde Redhead, Bob Marley, Bobby Broom, Boston, Boxcar Racer, Breaking Benjamin, Bright Eyes, Buddy Rich, Cake, Charlie Parker, Chemical Brothers, Chevelle, Chick Corea, Chick Corea Elektrik Band, Chopin, Chris Potter, Cold, Count Basie, Daft Punk, Dane Cook, Darude, Dave Weckl Band, Deltron, Depeche Mode, Disturbed, Doc Severinsen, The Doors, Duke Ellington, Dynamite Hack, The Eagles, EWF, ELO, Fallout Boy, Fastball, Fatboy Slim, Flaw, Foo Fighters, Frank Sinatra, Franz Ferdinand, Fugazi, George Carlin, Glen Miller, Godsmack, Gorillaz, Green Day, Elvin Jones, Hank Jones, Horace Silver, Incubus, Jason Mraz, Jimi Hendrix, John Clayton, John Coltrane, John Mayer Trio, Kaiser Chiefs, the Killers, Killswitch Engage, Kings of Leon, Korn, Led Zeppelin, Louis Armstrong, Mars Volta, Mary Lou Williams, Maynard Ferguson, Metallica, the Meters, Miles Davis, Mitch Hedburg, Modest Mouse, Mudvayne, the Muse, My Chemical Romance, Nat King Cole, Nirvana, Outkast, Panic! At the Disco, Pink Floyd, Poncho Sanchez, R.E.M., Radiohead, Rage Against the Machine, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rise Against, Robert Miles, The Roots, Rush, Sigur Ros, Smashing Pumpkins, Staind, Stone Sour, the Streets, the Strokes, System of a Down, Tegan and Sara, Tenacious D, Thelonius Monk, Three Days Grace, Thursday, Tom Petty, Tool, Tower of Power, Train, Wilco, Woody Herman, Yes
Favorite Movies
A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator, Fight Club, The Girl Next Door, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Indiana Jones Series, Old School, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Wall, Devil's Rejects, Dodgeball, Zoolander, Wedding Crashers, Big Fish, Rocky I-V, Matchstick Men, Anchorman, Memento, Monty Python Series, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch, Sin City, Super Troopers, Spinal Tap, A Beautiful Mind, Half Baked, Salem's Lot, and about inifinity more
Favorite Books
Brave New World by Aldus Huxley, Metamorphasis by Franz Kafka, The Prince by Machiavelli, The Doors: A Guide by Doug Sundling, and others...
Other Websites
March 20 2006

John Cleese may very well want to...but as for me....out of the picture. Unless you can somehow convince me otherwise.
Make Tea not Babies.
Face it.
March 13 2006
....but it is gonna be sorry once it gets cold again real soon.
I miss this girl.

No. You can't have her.
I have no problem not listening to the Temptations...which is weird.
Naughty Naughty Koolaid.
February 28 2006
man...sorry for the slacker action on this beast. I've really just ignored it slightly. I will strive to make a better attempt at possibly updating. ;)
that is my baby sister. I had fun with her this weekend. She began walking a little while ago, so we were romping around the house having good times. This was cake time at her birthday party. Probably my favorite picture i have ever taken. Woot.
that is all you are getting.
Fancy Cars.
Who wants some Yum Yums??
February 09 2006
This entry will not be about yum yums.
In fact...it is hardly about anything
Peace Off.
"True love is the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another"
February 06 2006
I need more pictures. I think i'll take some.
Yeah toast.
January 19 2006
Sleepy Eyes
January 12 2006
I wonder what the scientific term for the little crusty stuff that forms in your eyes is?? just a thought.
Back to college. Its cool man...but i'll actually be back in Murfreesboro friday-monday. My english teacher is hot...and that is cool. The rest of my classes should be damn awesome as well...which makes it even better.
Wedding Crashers. yes. I own. It owns. Also...Super Troopers has been added to the Collection. Brilliant!
Leave me words.
January 04 2006
A friend may often be found and lost; but an old friend never can be found, and nature has provided that he cannot easily be lost.
Nothing in the world is rarer than a person one can always put up with.
Better to have open enemies than hidden friends.
The future is a mirror with no glass.
I can't dance...but do you want to??
December 30 2005
If I felt like living...I couldn’t really do it. I’m such a big chicken...I have no guts. I can’t go for something. I can’t be openly jealous. I have too much pride, but nothing to remedy it. No one to knock me off my rocker...no one to tell me that I suck and that you need to be better at ______ . I really need someone to just smack the shit out of me and just scream at my face. I really think that would help me. There are great things in my life. I love them very much. Friends, Music, Music, Friends, Music, Baby Sister (not sitters), and few other things. It all seems so normal. I need something to put an edge on the dull blade that is my life. Something that doesn’t consist of getting drunk off my ass and partying or any kind of substance abuse. Just something. Maybe to sneak around with someone, when one of us isn’t suppose to or go somewhere I’ve never been and find out that it was made for me. To just experience something that isn’t plain jane...freakin, I do it all the time bullshit. Something risky. Something...not me. Something...
Float on.
December 16 2005
I'm back home. It has been about a day and a half. It hasnt been bad...but i've really wanted to see you and havent been able to. I really hope that changes in the near future. You told me that you had a bad day...i wanted to see you and make that better. I still want to. Let's make this work soon. You know what to do. Fill the Void.
time to do that ^^
December 09 2005
Well, the first exam is over with. It was much easier then i thought it would be. Thats pretty sweet...but i still have a butload of practicing to get in before monday for my Jazz Piano jury. Then for my Jazz Drums jury....and my Percussion jury....then thats it, but still...i'm really nervous about all of this. I guess it is all worth it...very soon, i shall return to murfreesboro.
I'm pretty sure that there is going to be a Superbowl game when i get back. Should be fun. care to join?? Your company would be very much appreciated.
Thank you guys for the questions.
Oh Man...the Legs Hurt
December 07 2005
Today was pretty nice...slept late...and when i finally ended the sleep time, had a nice game of football for about 2 hours. I basically played as Brett Favre...i threw some(4) interceptions, but that statistic was warfed by the 8 touchdown passes and 2 touchdown receptions that i had. It was a joyous occaision.
I'm gonna try something...Please Participate. I want you guys to ask me any(1) question you can think of and i will answer it...even if i dont know the answer. I'm pretty good at BS'n. But seriously...the question can be about me or any other thing, but seriously now...please ask a question.
Jones Soda Fortune of the Day: Your life will be happy and peaceful.
Where are you?
December 03 2005

Currently Listening
Led Zeppelin II
By Led Zeppelin
see related- Thank You
I cant decide where i belong.
I really feel down right now...i feel like i'm missing out on time that i could be having with people...i'm sitting here, wanting to do something...go out...hang out with people..hanging out with friends. Everyone is doing there own thing. Seemingly running out of room for me...I try to be patient with everyone. I am consistant with responding to everyone and very prompt about it...but still nothing ever seems to work out.
Is it wrong for me to feel that it is disrespectful when you talk to people...make a plan...and it changes for them...but they dont let you know?? Its like they are thinking...ehh, he'll get over it. I just feel taken advantage of...
Obviously patience isn't my strong suit, but i dont make anyone else be patient with me. I know life isnt fair...but not in all aspects. Can't i get in return what i give to other people sometimes?
honestly...i dont expect it
December 01 2005
I pretty much read all of Brave New World today...that book is awesome. Read it. There are so many quotable passages in it...but i leave it to you to find them. Actually...i'll leave you with the one that made me smile the most.
"I say," Helmholtz exclaimed solicituosly, "you do look ill, John."
"Did you eat something that did'nt agree with you?" asked Bernard.
The Savage nodded. "I ate civilization."
"It poisoned me; I was defiled. And then," he add, in a lower tone, "I ate my own wickedness."
Love it or leave it.
November 26 2005
In response to the last post...
Here is to New Friends! (chuggs Berry Lemonade Jones Soda)
My Heart Exists...barely
November 23 2005
guys...my heart hurts...
no one has caused this...i just really miss the innocence of high school...i miss the people...i miss the tight nit relationships i had with the people that surrounded me...i realized this tonight. I spent some time with some great friends...but it didnt feel the same. These are the people that i love...the people that i can no longer spend my life around...it hurts inside...and seems to be beginning to show on the outside. I'm sitting here reading through my old yearbooks, remembering all of the people i've met and shared times with...i realized that i have made some great friends, but i have also let them slip away from me alltogether.
i miss true love...not the kind you find in storybooks...or the kind that people describe as the unimaginably amazing...but the kind where two people care so much for each other that to lose that person...you lose a part of yourself...that you become incomplete. i can feel the chasm growing in my heart...only to be filled with the blood, sweat, and tears that pore from my body due to the percentage of myself lossed due to the inevitability of growing up.
Honestly...i dont even care if anyone reads this...i just needed to get it out.
Father Time with the hourglass, in reality
Without Music...My Life Would Be Pointless
November 21 2005
Seriously guys...Music makes up all of my vital organs. Psshhhh. Who needs a brain when you have Radiohead. Or a heart when you have Maynard James Keenan lulling your mind into the beautiful oblivion. I realized all of this when i was updating my musical interests over on the left side of this site. If you notice...the list is pretty monstrous. I basically just scrolled through my ipod adding whatever artists i didnt already have on there. thats 10.72 gigs of music...roughly 2,657 songs.
I forgot to add...i'm thinking that HP4 was the best so far. I went and saw it friday with some great friends. Two thumbs and a couple(times 2) stars.
Hermione gets hotter every time.
Truck with an F
November 19 2005
Well, i'm officially angry...the Vols are terrible. They lost to Vandy and now i have to shave my beard. I really sucks...but it will grow back soon. Christmas is on the horizon over the turkey. Woot...kinda. I'm not sure how i'm going to pull off the whole present buying this year, due to the lack of job and funds.
Mr. Green in the Billiard Room with the Football
Never Play Leapfrog With A Unicorn
November 16 2005
Thats it. It would effin hurt and you know it. Don't try it at home...or anywhere.
Well, i dont konw why i joined this place. I guess boredom played a major role. i had yet to see a screen name with xylophone...so that where that part of my name came from. as for the naked part...it was just a adjective that doesnt usually describe a xylophone.
Make me Happy please. I need something.