JROTC, CAP, art, painting, friends, God, watching the stars, FLYING!!!, army helicopters, air force jets, taking pictures, bowling, ice hockey, baseball, postage stamps, antiques, having a good laugh, chocolate ice cream, sitting by the campfire, catching lightning bugs, go-carts, camping out, canoeing, horseback riding, shooting (on the rifle team at BHS), sleeping
Favorite Music
tobymac, dc talk, relient k, barlow girl, kenny chesney, toby keith, martina mcbride, 3 doors down, mark wills, kelly clarkson, the beach boys
Favorite Movies
the borne identity, the borne supremacy, the incredibles, Star Wars, Saving Private Ryan, Behind Enemy Lines, Mission Impossible, LOTR, Collateral, 50 First Dates, Miss Congeniality, Finding Nemo, The Little Rascals, The Little Mermaid, Operation Dumbo Drop
Favorite Books
umm...yea.. i don't like to read
June 13 2006
wow..so it's been awhile.
let's see... this summer is going by pretty well. i have a job. my brother and i are surveying culverts (those pipes under driveways and such) throughout the county.
i received the battalion commander position for this upcoming year at blackman! and i'm the rifle team commander.
in rifle we got 2nd place for the league comp. and 3rd for the tournament. we're so gonna win 1st next year! and i got two 1st place medals for prone :]
i guess that's 'bout it. ya'll chill and relax. ttyl
February 25 2006
our military ball was last night. i had to call some commands and give a toast. and i thought i did quite well. it was pretty good other than i don't really dance, but it was nice talking with jordan and nik again
November 08 2005
one of my good friends, katie, was hurt last week. she got kicked in the face by a horse. and well, it was pretty bad. but God watched over her and she's alive-thank goodness!!
she's going through a tough time because her nose and left cheek bone are crushed, and she told me that she's not the prettiest thing to see right now. so if you could just pray for her and her family that'd be wonderful.
thanks and have a great day
October 20 2005
well my birthday is tomorrow, but i'm gonna be on a competition. and i think it's gonna rain, but i have the coolest b-day cake...it's teenage mutan ninja turtles!!!
October 13 2005
rifle comp tomorrow...hopefully that'll go well.
nc the friday
October 05 2005
September 22 2005
--but i doubt if we'll win our football game..lol
September 18 2005
we tried our best, but still no trophy, hopefully we'll have better luck next time. boy, it sure feels great to be home though
September 14 2005
this weekend our comps at sterns, ky. like a 6 hr drive.
well, i'm off to bed.
lady blaze you know!
September 11 2005
and our females did awesome!!!!!! we got 5 trophies!!!!!:
1st overall
1st CCR (Cross country rescue)
1st OC (Obstacle course)
2nd Rope Bridge
2nd Map Reading
our males got two trophies but i don't remember which ones. but they did great
now off to see some of my best friends get baptized!! have a good'n
September 07 2005
September 04 2005
September 04 2005
so if you could just take a minute or two to pray for them it would do some good.
thanks. and i hope you are having a wonderful weekend