Nathan Moore
Relationship Status
Oakland High School
Favorite Music
something corporate, andy davis, mat kearney, blue merl, coldplay, cool hand luke, copeland, dashboard confessional, dave barnes, david crowder band, david mead, death cab for cutie, the early november, echosflow, further seems forever, howie day, imaginary baseball league, interpol, iron&wine, the juliana theory, jump little children, keane, lifehouse, lovedrug, mae, matt wertz, my morning star, the postal service, relient k, shane&shane, the shins, sigur ros, taking back sunday, yellowcard
Favorite Movies
a beautiful mind, falling out of february, a homeless mind, pi, good will hunting, fight club, the usual suspects, memento, napoleon dynamite, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, secret window, garden state, vanilla sky, serendipity
Favorite Books
The Bible, 1984, Praise Habit, Mere Christianity, Wild At Heart, Blue Like Jazz
Other Websites
Strange Request
July 31 2007
I got a strange request on my computer today... The updater had to update itself before it could check for updates? I pondered... and then found myself in a space-time continuum.

photo from nathan
PhuseBox Update
July 31 2007
So, I was getting a little tired of the dark top portion of the PhuseBox pages. I have always liked clean, open designs and the dark top definitely did not fit that category - honestly, I do not know what I was thinking when I originally designed that. I actually felt a little depressed every time I landed on the page.
I wanted to make it feel "fun" again - not heavy and dark. Thus, you will now find a new look for the top of the PhuseBox pages. I think this fits better with the tone of the site - and the mood of what is to come.
I also made a couple modifications to the top interface, so let me know if you run into any problems.
Happy Birthday, Rach!
June 22 2007
A Quick Apology
June 18 2007
Tonight, because of a small glitch, we lost a couple of blog posts and about a 15 or so photos.
If you were effected by this small glitch, I apologize. It has been fixed now and will not happen again.
Sorry. Thanks for understanding.
SnapShot Photos
June 16 2007
You can now send pictures from your mobile phone using PhuseBox SnapShot... Goto your "Add Pix" page (under the Pix menu) to get the address to send your pictures to.
Set up a new contact on your phone and enter that address into the email field. Then, snap a picture and send it to that contact. Pretty simple.
Fun Night...
June 09 2007
I always love driving out to the country...
You know, as long as the car in front of you does not hit a bird.
Happy Brithday, Ben... even though you killed a bird.
June 07 2007
Ok. So I absolutely love these new ads from Apple... and not just because I am an Apple fan (I am kind of getting sick of the iPod commercials).
I still have note decidd if I am going to fork out $500 for the iPhone when it comes out, but I must say, these commercials make it look pretty slick.
London 2012 Logo
June 05 2007

photo from nathan
20 Euros (it is London, afterall) to anyone that can give me five solid reasons why this design for the 2012 Olympics logo is a good idea...
This is about the worst logo design I have ever seen... and the design firm got $800,000.00 for it... almost 1 million - for that... that. A 5-year-old with construction paper would come up with a similar design.
London reports that they wanted something that did not look corporate and spoke to a younger generation... hmmmm... kind of like kids from the 1990's?
I hear they also got MC Hammer as the Olympic spokesperson.
Hot Juicy Burgers!
June 03 2007
I love creative ads
June 03 2007
Seriously... Creative ads are great. And especially in a YouTube world, spending the extra creative effort will have a vast effect on the reach of your "second-life" internet video market.
It pays.
June 03 2007
The messaging system should now at least be functioning... There will be some design changing, but for now, you should be able to check and send messages as usual.
I will press on with everything else.
PhuseBox Version 3
June 02 2007
Ok... So many of you have had a chance to look around the new site...
Like I said before, there are still several features that I need to "finish out" - mainly a way to edit photo titles and descriptions, friend requests, and the messaging system. These should be done shortly.
Also, this is just Phase 1 of the new PhuseBox... there is lots more to come. I wanted to go ahead and launch the site with the new look and interface, but watch for more stuff soon.
New PhuseBox... kind of...
June 02 2007
Ok, guys. Here is the deal.
The new PhuseBox has launched, but there are several things and features that still need work, so you may see some things that are not functioning.
I thought it would be better to go ahead and launch it this way than to keep the site down any longer.
So, there are still a few things that are not working, but everything should be functioning soon. Just hang in there.
Music Genius
May 30 2007
iTunes store link
Click and listen to the 30 second preview... best music you will hear all day... seriously.
Ok, so I laughed out loud. Really hard.
On the Lot
May 29 2007
Maybe I just like it because my major in school was video production and so I had similar "short film" type projects in many of my classes.
So, if you have watched "On the Lot," does the hostess seem a bit awkward to you? I feel like she has watch tapes of Ryan Seacrest over and over again. Anyone agree?
Happy Anniversary, PhuseBox
May 28 2007
It has been amazing to see PhuseBox grow from a small group of people I knew to a large group of people - most of whom I have never talked to in my entire life. It has been great even though most of the originial PhuseBoxers have left the site (and thanks to those that have stuck around).
I know we were supposed to launch the new PhuseBox site today, but because of Memorial Day being today and several other factors, there is going to be a slight delay. The plan will be to launch this Friday, June 1st - what a great way to start June, right?
Well, until then, I hope everyone has a great Memorial Day!
Happy 1st Anniversary, Rachael!
May 27 2007
May 03 2007
Seriously, it is always a pain when I have to take screenshots of websites... usually the process involves snapping 2 or 3 screenshots while scrolled to a certain vertical area on the page... then openning Photoshop and seaming the images together and then cropping out everything else.
Luckily, this morning I found Paparazzi... it is freeware that allows you to simply type in the URL and it will grab a screenshot of that page, not matter how long it may be.
It is a handy app to have in case you need it.