
October 23 2007

Just when you think you've got it all figured out, there's always a twist in the plot.


i've been having problems with my roommates. we havent been getting along. in reality, they just dont like how laid back i am. but all thats for another post. we've been getting along lately.


well one of my roommates told us this morning that his mother is dying of brain cancer. she might die within 2 weeks, or if the radiation works she could live for another 6 months. ya, we havent been getting along, but, we're still good friends. we're all on the rowing team. we're pretty much a big family. you should of seen the look on the guys' faces this morning at practice when he told us about it. it came as a shock.


please keep his family in your prayers. i know that his family isn't really religious. i know my roommate isnt anyways. i dont know how i'd make it through a time like this if i couldnt turn to God.


other than that, things are going good. School and all. please keep me in your prayers as well. not having alot of christian friends around me is hard for me at times.



so mad at my self

October 16 2007

i backed into a telephone poll tonight. i cant even begin to say how mad i was at myself. but i'm good now. i was ok with it like 5 minutes after it happened. but it still sucks big time. oh well. i throw some pics up here later.


hope everyone is doing great out there.


i was just thinking.  I havent heard from Nathan in a while. Or his fabulous wife Rachel. where are ya'll two?




October 08 2007

I love meeting new people and making new friends. it's great.


well i came in to the library just now and i sat down at the computer and the guy next to me was like hey patrick. but i had no idea who he was. i just got done spilling my brains on an all essay ethics midterm. but even then. i didnt even recoginze this guy. usually when this happens i just play it off, but i wasnt on my game today. lol. kinda sucks. i didnt want to make him feel like a... crazy guy. i dont know. i just hate it when it happens.


well, one midterm down, two left. poli sci today and physics tomorow. physics, i dont even know. lol.



the problem

October 04 2007

i think i know what the problem with my roommates is, other than they just need to lighten up, and grow up.


they dont know good common sense when it hits them in the face. i guess that sounds bad. but it's getting on my nerves. lol




September 24 2007

I'm glad i have friends who listen to me and are there for me whenever i need them. Especially those who let me sleep on their couch when my roommates decide to harrass me. those are the friends that you cherish. the ones you love to hang out with whenever you have the chance.


i miss the ones back home too.


oh well.


school today shouldnt be too bad. but i got alot of homework to do. after what happened last night, i didnt get much done. blah.




September 19 2007

i dont wanna talk bad about people. but i wanna move out


now i gotta hit the books. gotta work hard you know. i just... dont like western civ. blah


i wanna go home sometime too. get away for a while.



my day/my soul

September 17 2007

so i realized that there is a job fair tomorow. UT is known for there carreer services department. there's over 500 companies there. i didnt decide till today that i should go. cause really, what is there for a poli sci major right? but i'm going to go. but i spent over an hour at the mall looking for new dress clothes. cause i've lost 30 pounds since i've joined college and i wanna look my best. and i left my dress pants at home. so it was somewhat of a neccessity. lol.


but before i went to the mall i went to work out. and i was going to parrellel park outside the rec center. i have to parrellel park, or sometimes i choose to in order to get to class faster, and easy 3 or more times a week. i'm quite good at it. but i shouldnt brag. cause today i hit a car while doing it. :( i was so mad. well, i thought about driving off. i've seen people do it a hundred times, they hit a parked car on campus and then just drive off. i looked at my car, there wasnt anything wrong. i looked at the other car, and it had a scrape on the rubber of the bumper. but, this car was already pretty beat up. it was pretty bad off. so i thought about it for a while. but i just couldnt do it. so i called my dad and then i left a note on the car saying i hit their car and left my number. they havent called yet. so they must not care. but i felt alot better knowing that i did the right thing.


before that was class. class was class. blah


so now i know i have a soul. lol



real quick

September 12 2007

i saw this article and about non traditional jobs for men, and teaching was one of them. here's the small note about it.


According to the National Education Association, of the 2.8 million teachers in the United States, only 24.9 percent are men, and only 9 percent are elementary teachers. And these numbers are declining every year.

Matt certainly is bucking the trend. A former Marine, Matt has been teaching first grade for the past five years. "I went into the education field because I witnessed my own children learn to read and I wanted to teach reading. Elementary education is both challenging and rewarding," he says. "This profession will wear you out, but there is no doubt that you can and will develop a sense of pride knowing that you have made a difference in the lives of your students."

 thats why i wanna do it. so i can have pride in what i do



the week thus far

September 04 2007

this week has just started and it has already gotten off to a bad start. i'm ready for it to be over. but the thing is. i'm so sick of one of my roommates. i really wanna move out. i dont know if i can though. i may not be able to break my lease. which sucks. they might let me though. we'll see how it goes. pray for me though. it really irritates me.


i had a good holiday weekend. i hope ya'll did as well. but i didnt get my work done. blah. i'm in the procecss of writing my paper right now that is due in like, oh, and hour or so. well, like 2 and half hours, but i have another class in an hour, so i gotta finish it before that. i could just take the computer with me, but i'd still have to print it out. i'll get it done.


man, i just feel so, distraught all of a sudden. blah



last night

August 30 2007

so i went to church up here last night, and it stunk. i was really excited about going. but no one really talked to me. i tried to talk to the other college people, but it didnt work. oh well. you would think that the one place you could go and make alot of friends would be at church. i guess not. it really bummed me out last night. i havent felt that way since freshman year. oh well.

i really like this picture. i'm in there somewhere. have a good day.piece

oh school

August 23 2007

so today is the first day of school. yesterday wasnt too bad. but late last night i had to add a history class. i more or less had to take world civilizations. it makes me mad. it's at 8 in the morning. kinda sucks. oh well. i'll make it. i'm thinking i can probably make and A in every class this semester. but world civ will be tough. if i just make it to every class it will be a miracle in itself.


i hope everyone else is doing great. i wish i could come home for a while. i'll be home in a few weeks i guess.


i'm at the library waiting on my next class to start. i'm listening to pandora. i love that web site.


well, wish me luck on the new school year. this school stuff is killing me. i wish i hadnt taken so long to decided what i wanna major in. oh well. i can get that stuff done. lol.




August 06 2007

i was flipping through the channels just now and stopped on the news and they were saying that right now there is a law that is trying to be passed that says that sermons in church about homosexuality is considered hate speech and is illegal. how redicuolous is that? psh. some people. if you cant read the bible and realize that homosexuality is wrong, than, sorry if this offends you, but you're retarded. i know that sounds bad. but thats the just of it. 


this weekend was awesome. my brother got married. it was great. i'll put pictures up when i get some. haha. but they'll be on facebook as well.




July 26 2007

well i finally finished the seventh harry potter book. i was about to say last, but for some reason, i kinda dont want it to be last. as my friend and i were saying the other day, it's like the symbol of the close to our childhood. my friends and i were talking the other day, and it amazed us how we could still be so into something that we started when we werent even teenagers yet.


i was thinking on the way to the library, as i still dont have my comp back yet, why i like the harry potter books. i think i know why. and part of it just dawned on me right now. but i'll elaborate on that later. i'm on a time crunch. i gotta go to stats class here soon.


lately i seem to know that i am called for something more. something worthwild. i'll find it. and when i say something more. i mean more than just a stupid desk job. buy ya'll know what i mean


hope ya'll had a great day!




July 23 2007

so my computer has a virus. they said they may not have to delete everything, but who knows. if they do, they can save my documents, but not my music. i have about 5000 songs on my computer. blah. i'm hoping for the best.


i dont know if i've written this on here or not. i think i have. but i wanna write it again.


i've come to the conclusion that i wanna do something worth-while with my life. not just sit at a computer all day and crunch numbers. so i think i really wanna become a teacher. speaking of which. i should head over to the advisor today. but i have alot of homeowork... i know, i'm making excuses. but i wanna make a diference in the world.


i hate how people down America and the government. i cant even begin to fathom living in a different country. for instance. everyone loves ireland, but in half of the country you cant even walk out in the streets without being afraid of getting killed for your religous beliefs. or like how in israel, everywhere you go it is just like walking into an american airport. you get searched because terrorism is so bad over there. and a universal healthcare system is the last thing we need.


i've known about the ireland thing for a long time, but it didnt really hit me until i watched the ESPY awards the other night.


two men from ireland, one catholic, one protestant. two people that would normaly fight each other just for looking the other in the eye. these two men won the humanitarian award for bringing school aged children of different religions together to play basketball. through sports they have been able to show the country that it doenst matter what religion you are, you can get along with each other no matter what.


this really got me thinking. i dont care about winning an award. just like with rowing. ya, we can be successful at times. but 9 times out of ten, we get stomped. but i still go to the gym every day and work out. i still go to practice everyday and give it my all. it's not about the glory, it's about the personal satisfaction of knowing you did all you could to help. (that last bit might of come out wrong). but do you see what i'm saying. who cares if i get remembered at UT for centuries to come.


one of the posters in my room is of muhamed ali, one of the greatest athletes of all time. the quote says "the fight is won long before i dance under those lights. it's won out on the street, and in the gym."


that probably had nothign to do with it. but i like it. i dont the quote is word for word.


but i've been trying to think of ways that i can be productive with my life and help other people. other than being a teacher.


sorry. i try not to be political. but coming from a military family, and when i have many friends taht i've grown up with in the military right now. i hate to hear people, not people on here mind you, down america. we have it pretty good compared to just about anywhere else. just look at the facts.


ok, well i'm headed to carreer services now.


oh ya, i'm in the library since my computer is at the doctor right now. they guy next to me is wearing a dress...... um....... kind weird.



things are better

July 02 2007

so i ended up dropping my stats class. which was probably best. my brother called me just in time for us to talk about it. i had to drop it by 4, we got decided i should drop it around 330. didnt cut it too awfully close, but it was pushing it.


it brought a great relief. i'm auditing the class, so thats good. when i do take the class i'll know how to do it already and make an A. hopefully. lol.


i still dont know what i wanna do with my life. i just now remembered, i need to go by carreer services. hopefully they can give me some insight. along with my advisor. i got alot to do. i have tons of homework.


i'm at the library and i'm listening to pandora radio, which is something nathan told us about a long time ago. one of my friends this past year was like, hey, have you heard of pandora, it's so cool. i was like, "it's so old. i've been using it for ever." it was funny.


i wanna go hiking sometime soon. i'm headed home this weekend. so maybe next weekend i can go. i wanna do some major hiking. it'd be fun. it'll help me relax and forget about summer school.


well i got alot to do. alot of homework. blah.



need some advice

June 28 2007

today, well the past couple of days really, i've been pretty stressed over what i should do for the rest of my life. i know that God is in control, but i feel like i'm in like limbo right now. like i dont know what i'm meant for. what am i supposed to major in. what am i going to do with my life. i'm so confused i dont even know how to explain it. i just need some guidance. some inspiration. i wish i could find something i really enjoy and go for it. i think inside of me, there's alot of conflict. like, i enjoy so much, how can i choose just one thing.


i think i would really like to go into business for my self. but thats a big risk. and i'm all for it. but it's kinda crazy. who knows.


but i have 4 hours to decide if i'm going to drop my stats class or not.



my new goal

June 25 2007

so i set a new goal for my self.


to be the oldest living person.


right now the oldest person is 111. so, i have a long time to break this record. but it is something i have to work towards every day. keep my self healthy and what not. i need to keep the stress levels down you know. haha.


other than that, summer school stinks! but i'm making it




June 22 2007



does anyone else ever feel like they wont be successful. it makes me so mad. i just feel like i'm not going to make it when i get out of college. alot of times i feel like i wont make it out of college. alot of people i know will go out and party every night, but i dont. and then they make better grades then i do. i dont get it.


oh well


i'm coming home today!




June 19 2007

so this past weekend, we went to Bonnaroo.   I know, I know, your probably like, why in the world would you go to Bonnaroo. But i say when it comes to some things, dont knock it till you've tried it. Bonnaroo was..... AMAZING. Minus the whole everyone on drugs part. everyone wasnt on drugs, so it wasnt too bad. I think it was the combination of 80,000+ people, some amazing music, and getting to go with some good friends that made it worth wild. And my cousin got me free tickets so that made it better. i wasnt about to pay the price for a ticket.

the best band i saw was The Black Keys. The were great. I'm definately going to go get a CD or two. haha.


me and mike, i just bought my hat cause i was getting so sunburned.


i know, your probably like, patrick, put your shirt back on, but it made it like 10 degrees cooler without it


 while we were waiting on the Kings of Leon. they were good


mike and krysten. we jsut woke up. we had alot of fun.


ok, well i gotta go finish some stats homework. blah.




who knew

June 12 2007

i thought late nights at the library were reserved just for midterms and finals. apparently it's also for homework during summer school. this place is packed with people. i can rest assured in the fact that i'm not the only one. haha

