we decided

June 10 2007

so we decided today that if Bruce Lee and Andrew Jackson were to have a baby, it would come out as Chuck Norris.


i was watching the news today and saw where presiden Bush went to Albania and he was greated like a... a national hero. it was pretty amazing to see our president, who seems to be hated by alot of people in out own country, to go to a predominately musilum country and be treated this way. i'm not saying we should be throwing parades for him, but we should show a little more respect. when people talk bad about our president i always say "i'd like to see you do better, or get the support of the nation twice in a row to even have the chance". to talk bad about our government is undermining the security we have in our freedom. lets respect it and be willing to do what has to be done to keep everyone safe.


anyways, enough about politics, i dont like talking about it.


i had alot of fun this weekend. it was great. whitney and i had a blast.

photo from


there wasnt any snow, but there was some country music, dancing and, well, some good fun. thats right, we went to tootsis orchid lounge. it was great.


summer school is, well.... about as fun as going to school during the summer time. haha.


so on that note, i g2g do some homework. blah.



took forever

May 30 2007

i finally made it back to knoxville this morning at 2 AM. i sat in the same spot on I-40 for 2 hours. it took forever. i got out and walked around for a while. talked to people. you know me.

but i made it back to knoxville. i didnt really wanna leave. i mean, when i first got home i wanted to come back like right away. but when it came closer to time for me to come back,i didnt want to. crazy how life works huh?

i have a job interview here soon. i'm nervous. haha. we'll see how it goes.

hope everyone is having a great day!



May 13 2007

well we lost another phuseboxer it looks like. i think now it's just me, amy, and the moores.

you know, i was thinking today. it's wierd coming home. used to i liked being in the boro more than knoxville. now, i dont like coming back. i was thinking today why that is. and it's cause i have too many good memories here. like i remember the good times how i can never have that back. all my friends that have changed for the worse and i wont see anymore cause their not their regular self anymore. i just hate coming home and things not being the same. i really just kinda feel like an out sider. it kinda made me realize why my parents dont go to their high school reunions anymore. things change. people change. and who wants to look back on the past and realize that things have changed so much for the worse. but i dont talk to my parents about why they dont go. i'm just speculating.

well, i'm in town for a few weeks. i wanna hang out and have fun. maybe i can find something to do.

hope everything is going good with yall


i'm sick

May 06 2007

i'm sick again. i dont know why. blah.

i have somewhat of an important final tomorow and i was hoping to study alot this weekend, but i was pretty much out of comission yesterday. hopefully i can make it through today. :(  but i just did the math. as long as i make above a 70 or higher on the test i'll have a B in the class. but i'm hoping for a B+.



May 02 2007

so if i make a 97 on my math exam today i can make a B in the class, and if i make a 98 on my accounting exam on monday i can make an A in the class. so... who knows how that will go down. haha


my favorite

April 27 2007

my favorite sport season is here, besides baseball (because baseball is glorious), yes, finals season is here.

you may be wondering to yourself, "how and why is patrick considering finals a sport". well, anytime a person puts in alot of work and long hours into something and makes it competitive at the same time, then yes, it could be a sport. i say this cause i just got back from the library at 230 in the AM, and yet, my night is not over. i still have at least 2 or more hours of studying.

so, i'm going to get going.


man, i felt stupid

April 22 2007

so this weekend we had a race, it was two day event. it was great, we had awesome weather, met some new people, and saw some other people that we knew from other teams.

the great thing about rowing is you kinda get to know other teams pretty well even if you dont know the actual individuals, you still kinda know them, make sense?

anyways, there's a tradition in rowing that the winners of the race gets the team shirts from the everyone else in the race. well, our team doesnt really participate in that cause we would spend a fortune in t-shirts. haha. but another thing people do is trade shirts with people. so my friend matt and i were walking around going to different teams trading shirts. well, i saw a group of people walking towards the virginia tech trailer and they had blue shirts on with orange V's. well, if you take notice, tech's colors are maroon and orange, and UVAs' colors are blue and orange. so ol'smart patrick was like "hey virginia tech, wanna trade shirts" and the guys were like, "we would except we're not virginia tech, we're university of virginia...hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaah"

ya, i felt stupid. and my friends laughed a lot too cause matt was in the process of telling me that they werent tech. and we wanted virginias shirts too cause they were cool. oh well. needless to say we didnt get either of their shirts. but their still cool guys. the coolest teams we met, were wakeforest, michigan, and south carolina. south carolina is definately the coolest of them though.

anyways, the races went well. we beat the teams we set out to beat, but didnt win any medals.

school is going good. i found out that i could possibly make all A's except for math, which i'll probably have to retake. but thats ok. i'll just understand it really well.

and how are ya'll?



April 06 2007

well i finished treasure island yesterday and now it's time to move on to Blue Like Jazz. it should be good.


spring showers

April 03 2007

the warm air blowing in through the windows and ratteling the blinds in the mixed with the warm air with the sound of thunder and rain pounding the sidewalk outside in the courtyard. it brings good memorys of times past and hours sitting and having fun while waiting out the rain. not to mention all the time spent playing in the rain.

Oh God and His renewing the earth. it's great.

today was good. got a good workout in. i dont post on here much anymore. but not many people use it much. kinda sad. oh well. it happens. i still check it alot.we have another race this weekend. maybe i can follow up my previous post with another post about a gold medal. but the boys from the south, georgia tech, have some tricks up their sleeves. and the good ol' boys from texas are pretty trickey them selves. the saying is everything is bigger in texas. well. i wouldnt say they are any bigger than us, but their collection of championships are. but thats ok. we beat them at the Head of the Hooch last semester. so we'll see whats up.

by the way. the Lady Vols just won the national champion ship. some pretty cool stuff.


gold medal!

March 19 2007

blue like jazz

March 08 2007

i bought blue like jazz today, i cant wait to start reading it. i'll start on it after i finish treasure island



March 01 2007

i feel so sick. i hardly ever get sick. this stinks



February 28 2007

so i'm feeling pretty sick today for some reason. kinda sucks.

i'm thinking about growing my sideburns out again. just for spring break though. haha



February 24 2007
i need help!


February 21 2007

i have to pay 80 dollars worth of parking tickets. blah


i just gotta get this out there

February 13 2007

maybe it's because i grew up in a totally different enviroment, which is probably the case, or maybe it's because i try to have a christian attitude, but i know it doesnt always come off that way. i guess i'm a little more laid back and more of an easy going guy then other people are, and i want as many people to have an equal oppurtunity as possible, but why do others have to be so harsh and say that they cant have an equal chance to be apart of the group. just because we're having trouble supporting them doesnt mean we should "cut our losses".

and why do you have to be so harsh about things. be nicer about it. life isn't always a "dog eat dog world". we can be civil about things. i see it pop up in the rest of their daily lives as well. how their not willing to cooperate cause it's not the norm and they dont agree that it's worth wild. well, maybe if they were to give it a chance they would see that it is worth wild, and that it is to their benifit to do it, but you have to give it a chance.

or just because it's something is a little complicated and stressful your going to "cut your losses". well think about it this way man, your not the biggest guy, if you were in a litter of, lets say, lions, haha, the mother of the litter probably would of "cut her losses" and got rid of you. so think about it, would you want someone to say, "hey, i've gotta cut my losses and get rid of you" when your trying to get the same amount of enjoyment our of the same thing you are, cause thats what they are doing.

i guess i'm just used to growing up in an atmosphere where things weren't the same for everyone, but they made do. like in scouts, patrol group didnt have the same equipment because there were to many other scouts in the troop, but we made do. i mean, so what if we used to sleep 5 people in a 3 man tent for 2 weeks at a time. it was an adventure and i suppose i built a stronger character because of it.

well it's the same here, just cause we dont have the money or equipment for this one team, doenst mean that we should "cut our losses". we should try harder to make things better for them. and yes, they are somewhat of a nuesence, but that doesnt mean we should dispise them, work through it. adversity makes you stronger, and how you deal with it defines who you are. and if your just going to blow up in the end instead of batteling through it, well so be it, but dont put anyone down in the process.

i know i've been vague in this post, but i to get that off of my chest. i'm not the best arguer, i hate to arue actually. but i'm trying to defend a group of people on the rowing team, and i guess by writing i might be able to argue my point better, but it just helps to get that out there. know what i mean.

i hope everyone had a great day



February 09 2007

i'm coming home this weekend. first time this semester and probably the last time till summer. :( but maybe not. i was thinking about not comeing home this weekend and coming home next weekend cause i have three test this next week. no, i have four. communications,math,accounting,and a mid-term in weight lifting. but that last one wont be hard.

i dont know if my all A's goal is going to be accomplished.

well i gotta go study.



February 03 2007

dont you hate it when you do something, and then you like, man, i wish that hadnt happened, and then you realize how much you could of done to change that.

oh well. stuff happens. it's alright



January 23 2007

so as i did some homework today, i realized that school can be tough. last semester didnt seem so awfully hard, but this semester seems kinda crazy. but i can handle it right?

i like the winter time, but it gets cold walking around campus and then it's burning up in the buildings. eh... what can you do. it's not that bad though.

well, off to do homework



January 20 2007
