my day/my soul

September 17 2007

so i realized that there is a job fair tomorow. UT is known for there carreer services department. there's over 500 companies there. i didnt decide till today that i should go. cause really, what is there for a poli sci major right? but i'm going to go. but i spent over an hour at the mall looking for new dress clothes. cause i've lost 30 pounds since i've joined college and i wanna look my best. and i left my dress pants at home. so it was somewhat of a neccessity. lol.


but before i went to the mall i went to work out. and i was going to parrellel park outside the rec center. i have to parrellel park, or sometimes i choose to in order to get to class faster, and easy 3 or more times a week. i'm quite good at it. but i shouldnt brag. cause today i hit a car while doing it. :( i was so mad. well, i thought about driving off. i've seen people do it a hundred times, they hit a parked car on campus and then just drive off. i looked at my car, there wasnt anything wrong. i looked at the other car, and it had a scrape on the rubber of the bumper. but, this car was already pretty beat up. it was pretty bad off. so i thought about it for a while. but i just couldnt do it. so i called my dad and then i left a note on the car saying i hit their car and left my number. they havent called yet. so they must not care. but i felt alot better knowing that i did the right thing.


before that was class. class was class. blah


so now i know i have a soul. lol




September 17 2007
You did do the right thing! Way to go! Hope the job fair goes well!


September 17 2007
having a sould is always good...