jury duty

August 05 2006

i got a summons to be on the u.s. grand jury. kinda interesting. but unfortunately i cant do it. the un-refundable tuition has been paid. :(

but i'm going to tell them to hit me up next summer


reality tv

August 03 2006

guys, i'm in a reality tv show. actually. i just feel like i'm living out an episode of seinfeld. let me tell ya, it's not as funny in real life. kinda humoras, but in the end, no. like i've always felt when i'm watching that show, that it's wrong, yet hillarious. this is so wrong, but in the end, ironically funny.

please continue to pray for my friend. and me.


quiteness (PLEASE PRAY)

August 02 2006

this busy world seems pretty quite when you feel alone.

i'm not depressed. i'm really sad for a good friend of mine. guys, she really needs prayer. i'm trying to talk some sense into her. i hope she listens. please guys. pray for her. and me. it's affected me pretty good.

in other news. works going good. almost over thank goodness. school will be starting back up. dont know what to think about that. i got mixed feelings.



July 28 2006

the only reason i'm posting is cause it's been 900 days exactly since i joined xanga. hit me up if your still out there. i still like xanga.

one more day. maybe i can speak some since.

oh ya, i was told something last night that really made me up set. man, some people just dont know their place.



July 26 2006

i thought i would write something. it's been forever. works going ok. i only have 2 and half weeks left. heck ya. summer has been a bummer, but thats expected i guess. especially when you work all the time. but it has pretty much stunk.

so i havent really talked to my bestest friend in a while. it seems like something is wrong. i hope everything is ok. te amo muchos.

johns gettting married....

school starts soon. i need to re-do my classes. we'll get that done though. i need a major still, but i think i know the direction i wanna head. i wish i could do engineering, but my math isnt good enough.

2+2=6 right. haha, just kidding



July 23 2006

i havent written in forever. sorry.

i'm really bummed. part of me cant wait to go back to knoxville, but the other part of me tells me that it wont be much better. i'll just have something else to keep my busy.

i feel depressed. i dont know why things happen the way they do.

i havent given up on God cause i know he hasnt given up on me, but i wish i could be happy again like i used to be.

i'm not some doopey sad depressed person, i just get down when everything seems to go wrong. and it happens all the time lately


(i know it's long but please read) singing God's praises, six flags, friends

June 14 2006

i had been thinking the past couple of days about how i wanted to do a post on this but i always ran into the quandry of how to do it without sounding boasfun and un-humble. (ya, ya'll liked that word quandry didnt you. haha)


a few weeks ago brother dean used philipians chapter 2. and one of the verses was verse 14.
"Do everything withough complaining or arguing, '15' so that you may become blameless and pure children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe..."

i want to dwell on the part about doing everything without complaining or arguing. for those of ya'll that know me at all you know that i did not want to work at nissan this summer. it was the last thing i wanted to do. after i heard this i'm pretty sure i turned to amy and told her that i dont need to complain about working there anymore and it'll be alot better. i know i told whitney that.
  soon after my supervisor sent me to forklift school which is a privallage and included a raise and then they told us that the forklift drivers were getting a cost of living raise. i was like "oh my gosh, thank you God". if He hadn't sent me to forklift school, then i wouldnt gotten any kind of raise. things have truly become more amazing since i have stopped looking at it in such a negative way.
  like i said, i'm not trying to brag, just tell you about my blessings. God could be preparing me for whats to come which could be bad or good, you never know, but i'm taking it one step at a time and continuing to thank God.
    there's lots more that i need to do to improve my walk with God, which i'm working on, but i know forsure that he's looking out for me.

   the trip to six flags was amazing. i'm glad i saw the martya station so that we could get on the subway to go downtown. it was awesome. look at the pics on aimee davis' site, i dont have them, but i asked for them. haha.

      i really needed that trip to get away from things and have fun. i've really come to see what friends are for and what to look for. i hate it when i see a friend take a turn for the worse. i try to change things so that something bad doesnt happen but it's hard to do so without being a jerk. oh well, i just try to be the best influence. the hard part is, that when the problem is when the person is easily influenced, they dont pick up on the best influences. kinda sucks.

hope everyone has a great day, and if your still reading this, post a comment and i'll talk about how cool you are on my next post. maybe even post enough on your next post to make it the "most posted". haha.


let down, work, and whatever

June 08 2006

well. i hate to say it, but i was let down again today. i was supposed to hang out with someone. she even told me not to make plans cause we were going to do something, even though we didnt have anything definate to do. well, i called, and i was definately not in her plans for this morning. which is when she knew we were going to have to hang out. oh well.

i have to say, i've been dissapointed by some of my friends lately. it's not cool.

but my very good friend Young and i are going to hang out tomorow and i'm going to help her with some stuff. it'll be fun.

work hasnt been too bad. i've been driving the forklift alot lately. i love it. but it makes me feel lazy. oh well. i do need to get some excercise.

some of my friends that i met at school have been calling to talk here lately. thats always cool.

i'm going to six flags this weekend, that'll be a blast.

my cousin is getting married next weekend. i'm a groomsman. so thats cool. i'll have to get ya'll some pictures after the wedding. in case you didnt know, i look hot in a tux. haha. maybe not.

i got a new phone. didnt really wanna pay all the money, but i like it. it's cool.



May 29 2006

darn it guys. my cell phone is broken. it's dead. it is no more. so i'll have to get another one. hopfully they can transfer my numbers. if not. i'll have to track everyone down and get them again. oh well.

in other news, some things just really make me sad. or mad. one of the two. i hate it when you think you know someone, but then you figure out what they are really about even though you've thought it for a while, but then you cant say anything because it just wouldnt be good. oh well.

these past few days have been awesome. garage selling with jessica, which didnt turn out profitable as we had hoped. then two different parties with church were a blast and i met alot of new people. i also got to hang out with my two sisters amy and rachle. rachle made it back from china finally. i'm glad she's back safe.


READ THIS: waking up late and still passing(thats how i roll), forklift drving = sweet victory, and florida

May 23 2006

so i got wireless for my computer. it's pretty awesome. pretty funny considering it's a desktop, but easier than running a cable to my bedroom.

so, for those that know me or have read this thing probably know that i wasnt going to pass chemistry. but, even though i woke up 10 minutes after my chem exam started and had to run, yes, run 20 minutes across campus, still some how managed to pass chemistr with a decent grade. i was hoping for  a D just so that i didnt have to retake, but low and behold i made a C. i guess i should also mention that i didnt study for the final cause i thought i was too far gone. but hey, thats how i roll. just goes to show how God really does have your back in a pinch. jessica and i have no idea how that happened.

i managed to finish my first year without failing a class, but i am going to retake one class so that i'll have a good grade.

so, first thing when i got home me, lauren and amy packed up and went to florida. thats right. a weekend in florida. well, it wasnt the weekend, but it felt like it. with any good road trip, the storms threatend our lives along with a black lady that i ran off the road in birmingham and a white trash girl that lauren tried to intimidate on the return trip through birmingham. amy still hasnt posted pics, but thats ok.

i'm working nights at nissan again this year. but it's not bad. just the same ol same ol. BUT, they told me their sending me to forklift training school which starts tomorow. sweet victory is mine. if i get to do that all summer i'll have it made. even if i just do it occasionally during the week it'll be better than the same 'ol same 'ol. i have a good story about me driving one this morning while ya'll were slepping, but i'll save that for later.

i need to excercise some more, actually, i have excercised since before finals, but i'll get around to it. i need to stay in shape for rowing. but i have gained weight, so thats nice.

not much else to say. my good friend is sick. :( i hope she gets better. :)

maybe this summer wont be so bad after all. either way, it's a good break from school and a good chance to make some more money. i'm still mowing yards, but not as many.

i have a good bible verse i'm going to put up on  a shorter post so that maybe people will read it.



May 22 2006

i finally got my internet fixed. so much to say, so little time.

i'll talk later



May 07 2006

so these past couple of weeks have been pretty dang cool.

so i got a pretty bad sunburn, but thats ok. i'll survive.

i got to spend some time with young friday night, that was awesome. i keep trying to convince her to leave that dinky school in cookville and come up to UT, but i dont thing she will. oh well. haha. but it was alot of fun. i had korean food for the first time. it was muy bueno.

i've got my two hardest test on tuesday but it'll be ok. hopefully. i need to go study, but i havent made it to the library yet today, but i'm working on it. heath and i are about to take down our beds. kinda crazy.

i'll be home soon. it'll be fun.



May 04 2006

so i figured it was time to update. i havent in a while. i'll have to write more later when i have more time. right now i'm sitting at the library using whit's laptop. i'm deffering from studying. sometimes it's just so hard for me to study when i have so much time. know what i mean? my next test arent till tuesday, yet i know i need to study. oh well. right now i'm using my mp3 player like crazy. i bought some new headphones for it before i came. i like putting it on random and hearing what i get. it's nice.


sorry, i sneezed.

so i'm probably going to florida right after school gets out. i'd kinda like to not go at all, but i dont think that'll happen.


i wont lie

April 28 2006

i wont lie, yesterday was awesome. so here's there run down

woke up for my 8 o'clock class which isnt fun, but we watched a movie and a girl asked me for my number on the way to class too so thats pretty tight. came back and chilled till my class at 1110 which was  piece of cake cause all we did was sit back and watch people give presentations.

then me and heath went to get my new toy.

check that beast out.

then the rowing team went to oak ridge to help their team practice and whitney went with me so that was blast.

then me and whitney went to our adopted parents house for dinner, that was great. then we went and met up with some guys from the rowing team. that was awesome.

then me and heath just chilled till like 1:30 or something like that.

i dont know, it was just an awesome day. a blast.

one more class left till we're done. and we're not really even doing anything.



April 25 2006

so i was thinking. it's been a while since i've just been happy and content with my life. i've lost quite a bit of my confidence in my self. i just wanna go back to how things were before hand. but i dont know where to go back to. i'm not forsure when it changed. i guess i can fix some time or another. i just need help i guess.

schools almost out and in a way this saddens me, but as things bare down on me more and more, i'm glad summers almost here. for all of ya'll that aren't in college, just know that the few weeks leading up to finals week, is just as bad as finals week.


i have a question?

April 19 2006

nathan oughta be able to answer this one, but i want to hear what ayll have to say too.

the most remarked blog for the day had 22 remarks when i saw it. so i decieded to look and see what it was all about. when i looked at the remarks i noticed how probably 18 of those 22 were by the guy who posted the blog.

so the question is:

does it really count as the most remarked post of the day if the one who wrote post remarks on it him or herself?

 seems kinda foolish to me.

just a thought


off to the races

April 14 2006


April 06 2006

i'm just going to be real with everyone. i feel like crap. and no i'm not sick.



April 02 2006

thats us as we had just finished rowing in the finals

we didnt medal this time. but i'm pretty sure it had something to do with the boat braking in the middle or our first heat and me dropping the seat that the guy in front of me sits on. so we had a broken boat and oly had like 7 our of the 8 people rowing. and we still made finals. but we had to someone elses boat in the finals and it didnt work out so well for us, oh well.

i have a busy week coming up this week. i'll make it though.

things could be better right now, but i'll make it through.



March 30 2006

so the weekend before spring break we had a rowing competition. we won a medal. it was tight.

thats the boat that won.

i'm loving the rowing team right now. it's the only thing thats keeping me in school actually.we have a competition in oak ridge this weekend, it should be tight. it's like half way between murfreesboro and knoxville. kinda

my partner and i finished the lab in record time today. it was awesome. i didnt sleep much last night. and the night before. i think i'll go to sleep early tonight, maybe. i'm loving this weather.

one of these days i'm going to come up with a way to make it rich. with out college.

any ideas?

for some reason things have seemed different these past couple of days. i dont quite know what it is? you know what sucks, when you give your best to others, but it's not good enough for them. it makes you feel like your not good enough for anyone. know what i mean?
