mom. i need more nonuts!

June 28 2005
back from mississippi.
let's just say that erin greene can now be called Gaylord Focker. let me tell you why.

well first everything was going pretty swell. we went to my family reunion. it was fun. we got there and this little boy comes up with super blonde hair in a bowl cut and blue eyes. he automatically fell in love with erin and after a while, me as well. we played ball and danced and had fun, so by the end of the day i had a boyfriend i met at my family reunion in mississippi named rooster. it was actually a nickname.

okay this is where Gaylord comes in.

after the reunion we went to a cousins cabin. it was beautiful. and there were 2 four-wheelers outside. so i automatically run and sit on one. then my cousin comes and turns it on and tells erin to hop on the other. so we go on this trail that we think will just circle around. no. everywhere you look there are different turns to take so we get lost. and as we come off one trail and on to the next i hit the gas. and i look back and erin is no where in sight. but i do see her fourwheeler face down in a 5 foot deep ditch. then erin head pops up. luckily she wasn't hurt. but we tried to pull it out while i am laughing so hard that my legs were crossed. we got so close and all the while the four wheeler is in gear. so we are pulling it opposite the way the wheels are rolling. then on the way down to miss. we told erin about fire ants. if you have never been bitten by them then you wouldn't understand. they leave welps. so of course while we are in the ditch there is a fire ant bed right there and we both were attacked. luckily my dad and cousin came looking for us and helped us pull it out. and he wasn't mad thank goodness.

then as we were going to bed that night erin plops on the bed and breaks the lamp.

then we went to my other g-rents house and my g-ma raises poodles. she got this new one and it didn't weigh a pound. seriously. it was 6 weeks old and the cutest thing ever. we were in the kitchen and it was in erins lap. the puppy jumped out of her lap and landed on the floor and when my mom picked it up it looked like it broke it's neck. it just froze. for hours it was not acting right and it's eyes were droopy and what not.

poor Gaylord.

but needless to say we had alot of fun. thanks for going with me erin!


Nathan Moore

June 28 2005
all that made me laugh out loud... way to be funny...


June 28 2005
Fire ants are nasty!


June 28 2005
haha!!!!!! wow! that story brightened my day!


July 01 2005
aww..poor Ayrn..i feel sorry for her..i'd feel bad..but it was funny though..especially the part where you couldn't find Aryn and the next thing she pops her head out of the ditch..anyways..i love you

Nathan Bailey

July 01 2005
LMAO, hahahaha Aryn told me about that the day it happened but that was way more specific, sounds like you had a good time Peace, Love, Empathy |/ -Nathan_

Shannon Barron

July 02 2005
Hey katie!!! I love you and I miss you!!! Keep smiling God is going to use you in that way!!! powerful way!!! keep running to the cross!!!

cole brown

July 03 2005
just saying heeeey!!! =D


July 05 2005
k-k-k-KATIE! escuchan aqui! i miss you mucho grande! quit that LAME lifeguarding job and come hang out with me! haha just playing about the lame job. you know that's my dream job


July 05 2005
gosh i just reread that. how many times do i have to say job...i'm lame. yes i am.


July 06 2005
okay- just one more thing and i'm DONE. your darling jason mraz is releasing his new cd july 26! heeey! just thought you'd might like to know...but you probably already did.


July 09 2005
aww...erin's sad.

kelsey shearron

July 14 2005
good grief..funny.. update!