Starting from scratch

January 19 2006

   Re-building my band is turning out to be really easy. Maybe I am speaking too soon, but everyone I have talked to has been really siked about playing for me. It is hard to find good people who aren't too busy though. The really good ones can't commit to playing with you because they are too busy. Hopefully Pablo will work out! He is so talented and professional. There is a percussionist that I asked to play, but he broke his foot. Stephen?...he went to MTSU. Blonde dude. Kinda short, I think.

   The funny thing is that I am stressing out just thinking about what our first practice might be like! I had a dream the other night that 3 snakes bit me 5 times on the same arm. Does that mean anything?.....


January 19 2006
Yeah, just a what if.