Megan Sewak
Relationship Status
Riverdale High School
roses, lightning, lighting storms, friends, math, latin, rain, pictures, music, movies, poems, trees, the park, talking on aim, having a life, family, woods/forest, fall, spring, cats, dogs, horses, dolpins, guitars, pirates, paling sims, the boat, flowers, black, red, blue, green, England, New Zeland, Japan, Irland, France, the beach, night, the lake, chickens, fire, water, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, ice cream, pizza, peanut butter, stupid sad movies, stupid movies, stocking people
Favorite Music
Danny Elfmen, My Chemical Romance, Weezer, Green Day, The Killers, Dave Matthews Band, Blink 182, Brand New, The Strocks, The Blood Brothers, Death Cab For Cute, Jazz, SwitchFoot, CrossFade, Modest Mouse, John Legend, Jack Johnson, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Five for Fighting, Foo Fighers, Ben Kweller, Pink, White Strpies, All American Rejects, Flogging Molly, Taking Back Sunday, Hot Hot Heat, Gavin Degraw, AFI, Grandaddy, Good Charlotte, Chad Kroeger, The Futureheads, Rose are red, Amelia's Jacket, Evaline, Big Japan, The Sanro Project, HOAR, Mest, Angles and Airwaves, Le Rev, Gina hates Me, Mark Limbic, Aberdeen City, Starcode, Nothing Ever Stays, cute is what we aim for, Ocober Fall, Punchline, The Hush Sound, The Academey is
Favorite Movies
Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, the Corpse Bride, Ladder 49, The Forgotten, Any Tim Burton Movie, 28 Days later, Day After Tomorrow, Pirates of the Carribean, Sleep Hallow, From Hell, The Ring, Flightplan, Wedding Crasher, Monster-in-law, Cheper By The Dozen, Ed Wood
Favorite Books
bone priade, Bloodangle, A Long Way Down
Other Websites
June 21 2007
June 05 2007
tomorrow i get my teeth pulled........fun.....it's going to annoying lol...iv isnt the problem...i have had an iv in me before so yeah...well lates
June 02 2007
May 22 2007
wow it's been awhile a lot of shit has happen this month... school is done hell yeah... so i am real not doing anything....need to do more then be on the computer...i am going up north tomorrow evening...so yeah.... it's going to be fun... this past year has been great....sadly.. lol...well i am out
May 05 2007
dang i havent been on here for awhile...
oh well
i hope everyone is doing good
March 27 2007
hey everyone
i am bored...i am tried..
mum tomorrow i am going to paws tomorrow to see if they'll let me to help them with animals...so that should be fun
well i am bored so i am out
March 15 2007
spring break starts tomorrow afternoon.... sadly i am not going to be at my house that long...i'll be kay's..i'll be back home around i dont know when....lol..then i'll be home the rest of the week><
oh well... i have to go cuz it's 6:12 in the morning and it's a school day
well time for an update
March 10 2007
well since the hurting of the knee, it's been alright(i guess)... yesterday my cat died cuz of a fucking dog... the night before we went to the hockey game... so nothing real new other then that.... i am kinda lost with out my cat here cuz he's not look in from the back door... it's was hard yesterday to face it... but today i am tring to look on the brighter side of it....it's hard to do but it's going have to be.....
other then that... i have nothing else to say
r.i.p. monkey
upate from meegan
March 04 2007
ok.... here is what's going on lately... go our report cards last week on wednesday... that same day i got hurt AGAIN.... i pull my alc(?? i think that it)... it's the thing behind your knee.... i streched it again ><...so i havent done much... yesterday kaylah came over we watch man of the year...that is a good movie.. i think you guys should watch it. we talk about three hours...which was real good cuz i havent hung out with her in like a month....yep and i have a new nickname meeegan.... yeah dont ask how that started.... lol... yeah there isnt much going on in my life but hang out waiting for my knee to get better... and i have to start my reach paper over a job that i want.... yeah what fun.... but that's all i have to say
February 17 2007
today i am hoping
February 11 2007
my parents let me get a job...i am sooo tried of being bored... it's sooo annoying... i already applied to krogers....and i am going to finish the one for buckle... i need some more places to apply to...i real dont want to work at a fast food place cuz it would just gross me out even more... so i am going to try at like food line, wallgeen, pac sun, the sound shop, the shop dept., american eagle, pet land, pet smart, hobby lobby(i'll get it tomorrow cuz they are not open today), old navy, hot topic, and see on the age limit on some others... so yeah..i was bored out of my mind yesterday so that's one reason and it would also give me a chance to earn the money by working..i also hate being at home on a daily base...it's the same thing...i needa change in evoriment...yeah... i just hate being at home.. dont think i hate my family... it's just get bored at the house.. then i start to bother my parents.... so yeah
never mind on doing that...i'll just go pick one up.... lol
but still i think a job would give me more to do then sit around and do nothing... i real thin it would help me out. i love to be around people so yeah and i also needthe money for when i go up north too.. and to get a new camra.... plus cleaning i'll get a lot of money up by then.... i real need the money... lol i just hope my parents dont tell to by my own clothing..i dont think they would. they would most likely tell me to pay for my own gas.....lol...so yeah now i am bored i'll talk to ya people later
February 09 2007
well today was an half day.....it was good.... i had like three cups of coffee... it may cause me to do something stupid but thats ok.... i am real bored..........i also go my hair cut..... it looks real good.... i dont know if my dad will like it.... but i dont care at all.... man i am bored well i am out
here is my new hair cut
i was thinking
February 04 2007
February 03 2007
geee... i am sick... i hate being sick......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... fuck being sick... it just sucks ass.... soo tried of being sick... i felt ok yesterday. today i feel like shit.....fuck.....i hate being sick.... well i am tried..... and ache...... and crappy.... lol
and last night i had ice cream... cimmion with gummy bears....lol me, justin, amber, janey, tara, and karen went to matble slap...good stuff lol
well i am out
February 02 2007
we are out again.... lol two days in a row... i still have to do my latin. and i also need to study for my latin vob. that means i have all weekend to do that
but in other news
there is sooooo much drama going on right now... it sucks ass. i just want to get out of high school cuz the drama seem to find me. and i always get to the point were i cant choose one side. i dont want to be apart of it but it is causing me to be apart of it. man it suck.... to much of it. i just want to be happy with tyler. but no i cant cuz the drama started wenesday during 5th... then it just continuse.........fuck the drama.... i cant stand it. and the funny thing is that we are reading julis(sp) caeser in english... and it has drama in it. man i wish i could see all the things that are going to happen and pervent them from happening.... but that wont happen...... it's soooo stupid... i hate it..... life can suck at times..... lol
well update on my life
January 30 2007
now life doesnt real suck. me and tyler are going back out. his birthday is tomorrow. i got him something. lol life is going real great... i am happier.. i dont think a lot of people will be happy on that part. but who cares.. lol i am happy and i dont care what people say. so ha.... lol. well i am bored.... i am out