Rachael Moore


Relationship Status


here's to another moore wedding!

September 10 2006
once again, i have not updated in a while...

but! bethany and matt got married yesterday! bethany was beautiful as was their wedding! it was a wonderful day! so, as always, a photo recap of the grand event!

me and sarah posing before the wedding

bethany giving elizabeth a mint. yay for best friends!..

..and funny faces..

and the best husband a girl could ever have

cutting the big beautiful cake

no messes

happy birthday to the beautiful sarah moore

off and away

it was really a lot of fun. i am so excited for them! i cannot wait to see where God takes them!

so yeah... if you get a chance tell sarah happy birthday if you have not already and send a congrats to bethany and matt. i hope everyone has a great night!

elizabeth duncan

September 11 2006
as usual, great pics...can't wait to see the rest. i love you rachael!