One Week

June 02 2005
Wow. I cannot believe that exactly one week ago is when I started programming this site. You see, that shows you how much you can accomplish in just one week.

I have been wanting to program a new blogging site like this for quite some time, I just never got around to do it. I wanted to create something that was cleaner, nicer, and more user friendly than mySpace or Xanga, and of course... photo uploading.

I will continue to work on the site and I still have several features that I want to add and several pages that still need some work, so bare with me while the site goes through some changes.

As always, let me know if you come across any bugs or any messages that have ERROR in them.

Also, if you have any features you would like to add, just let me know.

I will see you around PhuseBox and get some more people to register.


Garrett Haynes

June 02 2005
dude u totally gotta allow music streaming on here...and maybe like custom backgrounds too. Niiice work though. I like it better than mypace. Much easier to use.


June 02 2005
^ I agree about the music...that'd be awesome! But this already is awesome! :o) Great job!

where is my love?~

June 02 2005
thanks! I'll have to do that~ Ttyl!~ Julia

the brian king kenobi

June 02 2005
did you realize that piano is under your interests twice?