September 06 2006
well... i rear ended a pretty little red sportscar yesterday squishing his trunk up to his back windshield and shoving him into the pathfinder infront of him....needless to say...his car is going bye bye... crushed betwwen two tanks... my jeep didn't look too bad....except the fact it was leaking anti-freeze...so my radiator is busted... it got towed to dickson....it took AAA over 2 1/2 hours to get there. my ankle is a bit screwy since my right foot took the impact of the crash cause i was hitting the breaks so hard...and i was wearing 3 inch heels puting my foot in a bad angle for any amount of pressure.... i find out about my poor jeep sometime today hopefully....


September 06 2006
dang...i'm glad to know that everyone's ok...b/c that seems like it woulda sucked...yeah. lucky, yo. <3


September 06 2006
yea we really were blessed that everyone was ok because my car, the sportscar, and the pathfinder were all fully loaded with people going to the BCM progressive dinner...


September 06 2006
I'm telling aaron!!!

Jessica Jo

September 06 2006
I'm glad you weren't seriously hurt. Hope your ankle feels better.


September 06 2006
Yeah, when a jeep rear ended me I learned that they don't die easily... lol... glad you're alright though!