David Angel
Relationship Status
Christian Academy of Knoxville
People watching, members of the opposite sex, logic, databases, etc.
Favorite Music
Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel, Peter, Paul, and Mary, Dave Matthews, Everly Brothers, Xavier Rudd, Nickel Creek, Barenaked Ladies, etc.
Favorite Movies
All Muppet Movies, Donnie Darko, Life Is Beautiful, Memento, The Shawshank Redemption, Dead Poets Society, Garden State, Napoleon Dynamite, Dr. Strangelove, 12 Monkeys, Moulin Rouge, Romeo Juliet, Lord of the Rings, Band of Brothers, Mony Python and the Holy Grail
Favorite Books
Bible, Anything by C.S. Lewis, 1984
Other Websites
Lord of the Rings 2!
August 29 2006

"Lord of the Rings 2" - That's right folks! After 5 long years, the production of the second installment of our Lord of the Rings trilogy is complete. As of today, you can view it in it's entirity here at davidangel.net. Also, be sure and check out the outtakes!
Watch LOTR 2
Watch the Outtakes
Summer Fun 2006
August 17 2006
A Weekend at the Lake
July 25 2006
MTSU on a Jones Soda bottle?
July 10 2006
Riverbend 2006
June 18 2006

So, this weekend has been a blast. On Friday, after class, I hopped in the volvo and made my way to Chattanooga, to Cisco's house. He had invited some friends up for the Riverbend Festival. It was a good time to hang out with friends. I also got to see my sister, Emily, rock on! Click on the image above to check out the photos from the trip.
Why Women Live Longer Than Men
May 01 2006
Spring Break Pics
March 09 2006

the past couple of days have been a lotta fun. On Tuesday, Andrew, Kati, and I drove to Chattanooga to meet up with Cisco, Lacey, and Stephen. We went to the acquarium, hung out and spent the night at Cisco's house, then went to the park on Wednesday. Then all six of us headed back to Knoxville for Jolene's "Surprise" birthday party. Be sure and check out all the pictures!
Nutter Butter Massacre
February 15 2006
January 22 2006
January 12 2006
Prayer Request
December 02 2005
My friend, Wynter Gilson, was in a car accident last night. She's now in Vanderbilt Hospital. I don't know too many details but would love it if you would lift her up in your prayers!!! Thanks.

I'm Thankful!
November 22 2005
This Thanksgiving I have A TON of things to be thankful for...
Now, to be sure, the list that follows is very incomplete. But I think it's good to try and think of as many things as I can that I'm thankful for. I know I don't do it enough.
My Life: There are a great many things I cannot know for sure. Life is a precious gift that I've been given. I didn't just happen. I'm pretty sure of that, and very greatful. Some serious debts have been forgiven me as well, more than I can understand.
My Family: Dad, Mom, Catherine & Matt, Emily & Ben, Rebekah, and Eleanor (& Dylan). Mimi, Nana, Nick, and ALL of my extended family.
My Friends: far too many to count! I don't deserve a single one of them, either.
Things: Shoes, clothes, dorm room, volleyball, guitar, computer, school, cameras, bed, phone, books, movies, noise, The Simpsons, internet, cards, games, journals, pens, house, dogs, basketball, silence, blogs, swimming pools, and fire.
Food: Pizza, steak, and burgers. But mostly Mom's home cooking!
Nature: Words don't do it.
Activities: Playing, running, singing, dancing, resting, communicating, photographing, smiling, frowning, visualizing, blogging, shouting, and dreaming.
My Health: All four limbs accounted for, and all five digits on each of those, awesome. All the behind-the-scenes involuntary functions.
Music: Some of the favorites: Bob Dylan, Josh Garrels, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Leslie Dudney. I love listening to music, as well as trying to play it myself. I enjoy listening to people who sing what they feel, not neccessarily what others want to feel.
Like I mentioned above, this list is tiny and incomplete. This is just off the top of my head. I hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving Holiday!