Relationship Status
Favorite Music
Rock- Blue October, The Fray, Jack's Mannequin, Snow Patrol, James Blunt, Seether, ShineDown, Death Cab for Cutie, 3 Doors Down, Mae, 30 Seconds to Mars, Nine Inch Nails, Tool, Incubus, The Killers, Lifehouse, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, System of a Down, Slipknot, My Chemical Romance, Kill Hannah, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Oasis, Greenday, Marilyn Manson, Josh Groban, Matchbook Romance, Motion City Soundtrack, The Submarines, American Ananlog Set, R.E.M., A.F.I., Deftones, Filter, Alice In Chains, Evansblue, Imogen Heap
Favorite Movies
Big Fish, Bruce Almighty, Spinal Tap, Addams Family, Failure to Launch, Cars, Ocean's 11 and 12, Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison, Anger Management, Everafter, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Fight Club, Waiting, 40 Yeah Old Virgin, What About Bob, Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle, Thomas Crown Affair, Princess Bride, Mean Girls, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Mall Rats, Jackass, John Tucker Must Die
Favorite Books
Cat's Cradle, Alas Babylon, Jane Eyre, Rebecca, The Seventh Son, A Seperate Peace, Catch in the Rye, Ethan Frome, The Time Machine
November 09 2006
November 02 2006
Why does nobody ever realize how special they are?
Well I am here to tell you that if you can see this message then you are special to me. I love you very much, and I am glad that you are in my life.
November 02 2006
If your life was a movie, what would the soundtrack be? So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press Play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the Next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool.
7. Don't skip songs.
---Eh, sometimes repeat artists come up.... skip it or keep it. . .whatever
Opening Credits
"Wild Horses" Charolette Martin
Waking Up
"Passenger Seat" Death Cab for Cutie
First Day at School
"Hold Me Down" Motion City Soundtrack
Breaking up
"Mother May I" Coheed and Cambria
"You and Me" Lifehouse
Life's Okay
"Yellow Ledbetter" Pearl Jam
Mental Breakdown
"You're Beautiful" James Blunt
Falling In Love
"Title and Registration" Deathcab for Cutie
"When Angels Fly Away" Cold
"Wish List" Pearl Jam
Getting Back Together
"18th Floor Balcony" Blue October
"Living Dead Girl" Rob Zombie
Birth of a Child
"Bring Her Down" Rob Zombie
Final Battle
"The Promise and The Threat" Evans Blue
Death Scene
"Because of Me" Seether
Funeral Song
"Let It Go" Blue October
So Long
"Everything is Allright" Motion City Soundtrack
Quote of the Day!!!
Mr.Roark: You need to stop doing drugs and come to class.
James: I wasn't doing drugs I was doing your mom.
October 20 2006
So Patriot Parade, Outside! I thought I was going to freeze to death.
However it was worth it to see the giant army guy dance and to hear almost the whole school sing Ridin Dirty... :)
October 19 2006
My husband is a dead beat. He is cheating on me and he didn't show up for class.
Guess my pretend relationship will end up like the rest of them. I am starting to get a complex. :(
October 18 2006
So now I'm married with a child on the way. Alot can change in a class period.
So apparently I need alittle more information. My husband is a bank teller/artist and doesn't make much money. I am a 5th grade science teacher and my passion is the lake and I want a boat.
October 11 2006
October 03 2006
These are the two I have... Which one do you want?
P.S. My phusebox is a secret so please don't tell my mother!