Relationship Status
In A Relationship
Oakland High School
taking over the world, one country at a time, ruling over my fabulous luxembourg, and trying to be the best dictator i can be! oh yea, and i kinda like dancin too :-p hehe
Favorite Music
country, rock...basically anything other than rap
Favorite Movies
Chicago, Moulin Rouge, Phantom of the Opera, Meet the Parents/ Fockers, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, V for Vendetta
Favorite Books
Alas Babylon, The Giver, 1984, To Kill a Mockingbird
Other Websites
February 13 2006
This weekend was...well...in one word- AMAZING! well...except for a certain incident trying to walk into an "adult establishment" LOL. Anyways! We went to Atlanta for our first competition (of the year and for the studio) and had a blast! The minis were adorable and brought home a 1st place award for "It's a Feel Good Thing", "Heartbreak" also got a 1st place score (ye-yeah!), and "Praise you in this Storm" (our lyrical production) got a 1st place score, Best Production, Most Emotional, and 1st Overall (outta about 80 groups)!!!!! YEAH! everyone did so good! It's amazing to see how far everyone has come this year, and it being a completely new studio too! GOOD JOB EVERYONE!!!! and remember- THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!
Well, we left early Sunday cuz we had to get back to feed the animals and w/e, and saw the most gorgeous thing ever...SNOW!! and im not talkin a lil dusting or 1 inch or so here and there...no, we're talkin 4-5 inches on Monteagle Mtn!! It was beautiful, we must have taken about 100 pictures of it :-p Which made today even better- SNOW DAY IN RUTHERFORD CO! :-D!!!!!!! Today was good for the most part- went to the dr (ehh... not so great), party at the dance studio!!, and went to hastings and bi-lo with callie and cassie under...not so good general terms but it wound up being..interesting to say the least :-p now if we relate that to birds and bugs...and being introduced to the wonderful world of creme soda...yummmmm lol
January 30 2006
:Video tape:
... *figure with black mask adjusts the camera*
I have now ALSO kidnapped Shannon and demand one billion crzillion benammumum yen in unmarked coins for her safe return or else!!! You didn't take me seriously last time
*gets up to shut off camera and trips over the cord, and the camera comes crashing to the ground*
:End of Tape:
December 31 2005
YAY! Phusebox is back (I know, ironic coming from someone who never posts....)
Anyways! hope everyone is having a happy (and safe!!!) break, Merry Christmas (a few days late) and Happy New Years! Ah, so much has happened since I last updated its unreal! 2005 has been a great year for the most part- new friendships, old friendships rekindled, crazy times, etc! So with that- I love you all and hope everyone has fun tonight, be safe, and happy 2006!
Fall Break...finally updating
October 05 2005
jk, it was a stupid parkin ticket at mtsu for parkin there for seriously 2 minutes just to take my dad some dinner....stupid people, do they honestly have nothing better to do with their time??
I know, over a month without updating...shame shame shame...
WELL its fall break!! (as im sure none of you already knew :p) hehehe. well, my grandparents 50th anniversary was this past saturday and we had the party on sunday. It was adorable, i might put some pictures from it on here later. Thanks callie and cassie for helpin out...runnin up and down the aisles of bi-lo and walmart tryin to find clear plastic forks....:-p After the party, we went to see Just Like Heaven (cute!!). And that basically sums up my fall break so far cuz i cant do anything til friday cuz im "supposed" to be studying for the ACT.
Well, hope you enjoyed the recap and ttyl!
Back to school
August 11 2005
1st- Economics- Coach Ferg
2nd- AP Biology 2- Bohall
3rd- AP English- Jackson
4th- EMS- Bell
5th- Peer Tutoring- Daniel
6th- H. Psychology- Sides
August 04 2005
Well keepin this post short and sweet...partially cuz im too tired to write much and/or theres not much to be said in a short post, I Love You! Sweet dreams and ADIOS!
July 27 2005
Well, its too late to put much up here now, im going on 40 hours straight with little to no sleep!! WHOO HOO!! ANYWHO pictures shall be coming soon, within the next day or two hopefully! So until then, leave some comments and love yall!! aloha!
July 06 2005
Simple Joys
June 26 2005
If anyone wants to do something this week, just gimme a call!!! love you!