♥...blue eyes...♥


Relationship Status





November 07 2007

right now....it's like a blur for now.  i'm still in hurry up and go mode...and i'm tired and i don't want to hurry up and go do anything

and it's a blur...because he didn't say it back.  he nodded

and said he liked her.

*refer to post on a previous date*

maybe.  actually i know this is what's supposed to happen

and he'll get over it.

yeah, i know

November 06 2007

If you really knew me you would know.....
1. I hate long sleeved ANYTHING

2. I always drink milk with ice in it...never without
3. I really do enjoy quiet time, even though I'm a loud person

4. I eat all the time

5. Sometimes I am bold...possibly TOO bold
6. I don't like it when people tell me who I should be or become

7. I actually have a phobia of new people...A REAL PHOBIA

8. If you tell me something, I usually remember it.  Even if you don't think I do or you don't remember it yourself.

9. I almost always am moving my toes....haha.

10. My very closest friends already know these ten things and many more.  Except maybe number 8...a few of you know that.

sweet sleep

November 06 2007

well i am looking forward to crashing tonight..i need to sleep!  this past week has been so hectic for me...i've been sick, with like 3 mime presentations, 5 hour mime workshop, geometry project that i had to start AND finish today, piano, church, and everything else in my normal week...AAAAH!  that was me screaming.  but, it's calmed down for a little while.  until friday, then it picks up again.  but i am looking forward to tomorrow.  no tests, no projects to do, no nothing.  i get to go to church and i love church, ya know.  at least it won't be this busy for a while.  i feel like falling over...like this huge load has been lifted off of my stressed shoulders and i can breathe now. but i'm still in GO mode, still hurrying around like a crazy lunatic.  whew breathe.  well...okay.  i'm going to dream of the same people i dream about every night when i sleep, that is, and drink a glass or two of milk and ice...and SLEEP AND SLEEP AND SLEEP.  and then wake up and go to school.  and be calm...and relaxed.

grrr frustrated

November 04 2007

okay i am extremely annoyed right now.

i don't know why this is annoying me, but there is this one person that keeps speaking for everyone.

i am a blonde, but i can't say, " well with blondes its this way or with blondes its that way."  i'm a girl but i can't very well say,''all girls think this way or all girls think that way''.  because i don't know and neither do they.

and anyway, i'm kinda happy now, but pretty mad.  i'm sick of all this stuff.  i don't want it to get to me.  there's so much i want to say, but for once, i can't.  i can't let my feelings out this time.  it's too hard.


November 04 2007

I just realized he's not calling anymore.

So this survey helped kill the time I spent wasteing it on waiting.

1. last beverage → milk in my cereal

2. last phone call → megan and keri

3. last instant message → idk?
4. last cd played → the one i tried to burn

5. last time you cried → yesterday

6. last text message → none
1. dated someone twice? → no
2. been cheated on? → no

3. cheated on someone? → nope
4. kissed someone & regretted it? → no siree
5.lost someone special? → yes in fact...they're still here, but it doesn't seem like them anymore.

6. been depressed? → now. heck yes

1. orange

2. green

3. tye dye

1. meet a new friend→ yes and no

2. Fallen out of love → heck no.

3. Laughed 'til tears → yes

4. Met someone who changed your life → lost someone who changed my life
5. Found out who your true friends were → OH YES

6. Is there something you want to tell someone → yes...very much so

7. Have you kissed anyone on your top friend's list→ no

8. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life? → don't have a myspace

9. How many kids do you want to have? → i don't know 
10. Do you have any pets? → yes like 6
11. Do you want to change your name? → kinda
12. What did you do for your last birthday? → GYMNASTICS WOOT 
13. What time did you wake up today? → like 8
14. What were you doing last night at 11:30? → i don't know...sleeping maybe?

15. Name something you CANNOT wait for? → when i tell that one person what i know that they don't

16. Last time you saw your father? → like 2 minutes ago

18. What are you listening to? → my mom yelling at me
19. Have you ever talked to Tom? → who?

23. Who's / what's getting on your nerves right now? → my mom and various other humans 

24. Most visited webpage? → this

About you
001. Whats your real name → carmen

002. Nicknames → carmel, carmex, lots of other ones

003. Status → single

004. Zodiac sign → sagittarius

005. Male or female → Female

006. Elementary? → huh

007. Middle School → dms
009. Hair color → blondey browney reddy

011. Long,Short,Medium → shortish medium

015. Are you health freak? → sometimes

016. Height → 5'5.5''

017. Do you have a crush on someone?→ not really
018. Do you like yourself? → sometimes
019. Piercings → 2
020. Tattoos → none

021. Righty or lefty → both

022. First surgery → like 3 years old
023. First piercing → my ears

024. First best friend → matt tiggle
026. First sport you joined → none
027. First pet → ??

028. First vacation→ canada

029. First concert: → leeland

030. First crush → trevor
031. What are you? → i am awesome.
049. Eating? --> ???  what???  i eat sometimes
050. Drinking → i have no clue how the crap i'm supposed to answer that
052. I'm about to → scream

053. Listening to → my mom

055. Waiting for → him...
058. Want kids? → sure why not
059. Want to get married? → sure.

060. Careers in mind? → ?


068. Lips or eyes → eyes
069. Hugs or kisses → hugs
070. Shorter or taller → taller

072. Romantic or spontaneous → BOTH
073. Nice stomach or nice arms →BOTH

074. Sensitive or loud → ??  don't care

075. Hook-up or relationship → relationship

076 Trouble maker or hesitant → in the middle
078. Kissed a stranger → nuh uh never kissed anyone

080. Lost glasses/contacts → yeah

081. Ran away from home → no

(082-083 died.)


084. Broken someone's heart → i don't think...hmmm

085. Been arrested → no siree

086. Turned someone down → ...no

087. Cried when someone died → Yes

088. Liked a guy friend → oh yes

089. Yourself → occasionally

090. Miracles → occasionally.

091. Love at first sight→ no...like first words, maybe

092. Ghosts → yes

093. Santa Claus →?? sure

095. Kiss on the first date →no.

096. Angels → yes
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yeah...daniel

098. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? → no

099. Bye Bye Question→ ?
100. Posting this as 100 Truths? i don't know...no

it's woooooooo


November 02 2007

well, i decided to use Kaelynn's idea and write a seven day journal thing.  this is my first thought; i thought i would share it with you.




I was thinking one day about things that are really meaningful and awesome that are taken for granted.  Like faith, love, life, and simply happiness.  But one thing that I noticed that not many people would really much care to think about was the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.  You know, that pledge means so much!  We are free!  Do you know what that flag stands for or what it really means?  Do you understand that lives are being lost every day in an effort to uphold the meaning of everything the flag stands for?  People every day shrug at the pledge and say it in schools as a routine.  It is one of the only references to God left in our schools and one of the only symbols of patriotism.  It really makes you wonder...why do people do that?  They say that they are happy to be in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, and then...they can't even appreciate what the pledge really means.  We ARE one nation and that flag represents that.  We are one nation UNDER GOD.  The flag stands for that, too.  WITH LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL!  The flag means that, as well.  It's an everyday symbol of unity, as well as patriotism and gratitude.  How amazing is it, that our nation has come so far?  It's absolutely amazing.  This has made me totally look at saying the pledge from a WAY different point of view.  Now, when I say the pledge, I say a prayer as well for all the people (men and women alike) over seas and fighting for this country that doesn't fight for them.  I am ashamed that people don't actually get it.  This is a free country, we are a free people, but freedom isn't free.

"I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America.  And, to the republic, for which it stands; one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


October 31 2007

i got to see my pickin' banjo, fiddlin' player tonight.  yay!  see, a few weeks ago (2) i told him that i knew something he didn't know.  figuring he'd blow it off and forget about it, i forgot about it.  (well, actually i didn't, i still know it.  [someone might know what and who i'm talking about, if not, don't fret.])  and so tonight, he said "okay...so you know something I don't know"  I said,  YEP!  and he said to me...just like this..."You know that's been bugging the crap out of me for two weeks now, do you realize that?"  i know, small thing, but it made me feel all special.  woo.  he actually does remember stuff i say woo!...well, that's my happy little gung-ho moment.  so he asked me when I would tell him and I told him "A LONG TIME...a LLLLOOOONNNNGGG time."  he said, "How long, like a year??"  I laughed and said..."more like 10 years."  but....I think i'll tell him before then.  considering...welll......nevermind.




October 30 2007

okay so...i wanna play paintball at the next paintball war and we got everything all worked out with my party and the war and i am so happy cuz i get to play and then, it hits me,



well, i guess i'll wait...AGAIN.


October 28 2007
i'm extremely ticked right now.  i have not been this mad in a while, let me tell you.  Last year, I had my birthday party hoping that it would be fun and everyone could come.  BUT there was a stupid retarded paintball war on the same day, 'coincedentally'.  Well, HOW IS IT ON MY DANG PARTY DAY AGAIN???  I don't know if any of you will really care about this thought since I don't think I'm inviting anyone on here that's going to the war anyway...but...I'm mad.  (Well, If grace goes, that's someone...)  BUT I don't think It's fair that I have had to work around everyone else's schedules for stupid paintball when there is a whole year that you can play (except when it's freezing.) BUT a birthday comes once a year.  It's not cool with me and I am sick of that!  CHANGE THE STUPID WAR.  I have no other options, and it's making me really mad.  It's a very frustrating thing when there is a month (less than, actually) until your bday and you have to re arrange your schedule because SOMEONE ELSE'S plan interferes with your own.  GRR.  okay i'm done.  not really but o well.

in ur face

October 28 2007

okay for all those people that say that i will never play paintball.  you WERE wrong.  YOU ARE WRONG.  they got me to play yesterday, but we were short on stuff like CO2 and ammo...so...then mr. Steve-man got there and I had to leave.  I just thought it would be fun to tell you people (one in particular...Austin) that all it took was one time of Deven and Chandler asking me (Chandler's so cute I couldn't say no.) and I said sure why not sounds fun.  So i'm gonna.  WOOO GO ME. 

P.S. They didn't have to shoot themselves in the foot either.  lol ha

oooh makes you think

October 25 2007


The definition of being hypercritical is criticizing much (too much).  It's telling others what they should be doing and what they aren't doing well.

Hypocricy is criticizing or saying something that you yourself don't do. 

So, I came up with a quote today.  Here it is:

"Being hypercritical often leads to being hypocritical."

What I mean is that if you go around criticizing every little thing wrong with every person, eventually you will find something about you that you tried to fix on someone else that you need to first fix on yourself.

Sorry if I confused you, but that was my smart thought for the week.  LOL

what if...

October 22 2007

What if...I said to him I've loved him all along?

What if...I said to him he was the only reason I believe in love at first sight?

What if...I said to him I that I think he's amazing?

What if...I said to him "I love you"?

What if...he said it back...


October 21 2007
Your Guy Side:

[x] You love hoodies.
[x] You love jeans.
[ ] Dogs are better than cats.
[x] It's hilarious when people get hurt[sometimes].
[ ] You've played with/against boys on a team.
[ ] Shopping is torture.
[ ] Sad movies suck.
[ ] You own/ed an X-Box.
[x] Played with Hotwheel cars as a kid.
[x] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
[x] You own/ed a DS, PS2 or Sega.
[x] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers.
[x] You watch sports on TV.
[x] Gory movies are cool.
[ ] You go to your dad for advice.
[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
[x] You like going to high school football games
[ ] You used to/do collect football cards.
[ ] Baggy pants are cool to wear.
[ ] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
[x]Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
[x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
[x] Sports are fun.
[x] Talk with food in your mouth/ sometimes with out known
[x] Sleep with your socks on at night/ sometime if it's cold

Total: 15

Your Girl Side:

[ ] You wear lip gloss/stick.
[x] You love to shop/ sometimes
[ ] You wear eyeliner.
[ ] You wear the color pink/ sometimes
[ ] Go to your mom for advice.
[x] You consider cheerleading a sport.
[ ] You hate wearing the color black.
[x] You like hanging out at the mall.
[x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
[x] You like wearing jewelry/ sometimes
[ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe.
[ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars.
[x] Were u in gymnastics/dance?
[ ](minus make up and hair)sometimes It takes you around/ more one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.
[x] You smile a lot more than you should.
[ ]You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
[ ] You care about what you look like
[ ] You like wearing dresses when you can.
[x] You like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne
[x] You love the movies.
[x] Used to play with dolls as little kid.
[x] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy/joke of it.
[ ] Like being the star of everything.

Total: 10
Repost this as I have ___ guy traits and ___ girl traits


October 20 2007

so...tonight was SOOOO fun!  for like, the first whole half of the farm fest, me and Grace were SO bored.  so, we sat on the fence and called people.  Then, I went up and sang and that was when all the fun started.  We went downstairs to this theather thing (in these people's house) it was so fun!  we played pool (by we i mean me and Grace and Chandler and Ross) and we just kinda hung out.  Then, we went BACK outside to the pumpkin carving table and we met my NEW fave set of twins EVER!!!  (Dallas and...er...Dontana.  Well, his real name is Dakota but I like Dontana better.)  They are kick-flippin-awesome.  They play golf and they were making me laugh so hard!  I haven't laughed like that in a long time.  I told them all my friends were mean and none of them were funny.  Well, tyler and grace and keri are funny.  Some of the rest are just cool.  But most of you are mean people.  And YOU KNOW IT.  BUUUUT anyway, I love singing.  and that's about all.  I love carving pumpkins and I love beans and ribs.  YUM.


October 19 2007

here's a song about our winged friends.  i was rolling on the floor with laughter (well not really, but close) when i heard this song.  it has really made me see owls through new eyes.  i respect the wonderful creatures

(no really this is just to annoy grace and make you laugh)

hay day

October 19 2007

so....if there's one little thing i'm excited about in my life, i would have to say it would be...the farm fest tomorrow!  I get to hang out with one of my bestest friends everer...(Grace) and i get to carve pumpkins.  plus i get to see Chandler...i can't look at that kid without smiling!!!  he makes life fun.  oh and i might be singing. 


but anyway.  this guy wrote me a note today that said "do you like brown guys" (William Darden) and i had to say...sure, but not like that.  sorry.  THEN him and his little fun friend Joe had to sit with us today and THEY CRACK ME UP!!!  BUT they embarrassed me.  Austin Marlow said hi to me and i said HE IS SO HOT (directed toward Hallie) and they over heard so they said "HEY AUSTIN Carmen says you're really hot!" and I turned SOOOOO red!  Then, they said, "Carmen, do you think chase is hot?" and i said no so they said (actually yelled...both times) "Hey CHASE Carmen thinks you're ugly!!!!".  but i laughed anyway.  i hope he doesn't think i think he's ugly.  he's not.  not saying he's hot.  but he's not ugly.  THEN (yes, there's more.) they were asking like everyone if they thought me and hallie were pretty.  and almost everyone said yes.  there was this one guy that gave this whole speech about how his opinions didn't matter and he thought he didn't know and blah blah blah.  but yes, for the most part, people think i'm pretty.  which makes me feel good because most of the time i don't think people think that.  and i don't think that.  so yeah i had a little ego trip.  but it's over...:)


(it's my pet peeve if you don't answer....answer me.  thanks luv ya much)

~Pooch E.A.~


October 18 2007
lastnight i went to youth group at my church (DFA) for the first time.  i have to say even though the music needed much work, i could tell that the people up there had a heart for God and just wanted others to see it and follow.  Then when the pastor's wife, Janet came onto the stage, i felt as though she were talking to me.  she said that there were people there lastnight that have a need that needed to be met.  i'm praying God will meet it soon...before I go crazy.  i've been hurt pretty bad this last little bit of my life and i need prayers pretty dang badly.  this is not a "he doesn't like me" hurt, it's deep.  i NEED healing.  that's my need.  please pray


October 16 2007

i'm really bored!  so here goes nothing.


1. Honestly, how many people have you had strong feelings for?
like 3...but loved one and one only

2.Honestly, what color is your underwear?
you need not know that, thank you!

3. Honestly, what's on your mind?
Austin and school and my birthday

4. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
this...and supposed to be doing homework..but i don't want to.

5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?

6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?

7. Honestly, do you watch THE GIRLS NEXT DOOR ?
UH no...no thanks

8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
no, not jealous.  not quite...more of a...well, i don't know how to describe it

9. Honestly, who makes you happy most of the time?
my friends...and austin...and horses

11. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?

12. Honestly, do you have deep secrets?
no i'm cool

13. Honestly, when is the last time you have been to tesco?

14. Honestly, are you mean?
well i guess i can be...we'll just call me honest.  (thanks kaelynn)

15. Honestly, who did you copy and paste this from?
Kaelynn the Kidd..lol

16. Honestly, where would you rather be right now?
anywhere but here...like maybe...out in some big field sleeping under the stars

17. Honestly, do you like someone?
love, yes...well, if love is real, and this is real, then it's love.

18. Honestly, what was the last text you got and what did it say?

21. Honestly, have you gone out of your way to make a new friend?
not out of my way...but i might push someone out of my way and make a new enemy?  lol

22. Honestly, do you shower?
um...yeshh...who doesn't.   oh wait,  i know the answer to that question.  lol.  i won't say any names!  ;)

23. Honestly, are you desperate?
no i am most certainly not

25. Honestly, ever made anyone cry?
yeah i have...they cry with joy when they see me cuz i'm so cool like that

26. Have you ever cried over someone?
oh yes every single day

27. Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out?
um...like yesterday

28. Honestly, have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
yes in fact i have...

29. Honestly, have you kissed someone of the opposite sex this week?
no me no kissy

30. Honestly, when was the last time you hugged or kissed someone in front of your parents?
well...um never.

32. Honestly, are you normally a happy person?
um not really...used to me...not any more.  but i'm kinda happy.  mostly in the middle

33. Honestly, what makes you mad?
people that are RUDELY opinionated.  I respect opinions.  but when somone wants to come back at me on every little thing, it get's pretty freakin annoying.

34. Honestly, does being with your friends make you happy?
most of the time yes.  except ...nevermind.

35. Honestly, do you believe in yourself?
um.  i guess i do...i believe in myself, yes.

36. Honestly, are you annoying to people?

37. Honestly, is cheating acceptable?
no it's lying.  and sometimes stealing...either way it's not cool

38. Honestly, have you hugged a girl this week?

39. Wish you could have something or someone?

40. Honestly, are you a relationship person?
uh i'm confuse-ed

(question 41 was stupid so I erased it! mwa ha ha ha!)

43. Who is the last person you hugged?
i don't member....oh MY SARAH!!!

44. Are you lonely right now?
sorta.  but i'm kinda at my house with my geometry book...so i am lonely

but there's strength in numbers hahahahaha...okay that was really corny.  lol


October 16 2007

this might be a tad bit depressing.  prepare yourselves.


"Time...moves like a snail with our impatience.  And races like a gazelle when you can't catch your breath."

-From the incredible movie, Simon Birch


I was once asked what the thing I treasured most in life was.  I had no answer...my answer now would be Time.  When I want it to go by, it creeps so slowly it feels like the world is standing still and when I wish that for one second it would slow down, it moves too fast for me to even think.  I try to grasp the moments in time that mean the most to me, to hold on to them forever.  But, in time, they slip away and I can't seem to stop them from doing so.  I try to regain consiousness while the whole time my mind is spinning in a whirlwhind so fast I couldn't stop it if I wanted to.  I wish to go back in time...to that one moment I know I'll never see again.  That one moment when I was in your arms...that one time I said I loved you...and that one time you weren't who you are now.  I wish to go back in time and change who I feel like I made you become...even if I had to relive all this.  Sometimes I wish I had more time, to maybe stop all this before it goes way too far.  But I know that I can't change destiny.  If this is destiny...I wish to be out of time.  Time is the most precious thing...worth the most...coveted the most.  Missed the most, and taken for granted the most.  I took our time for granted.  I wish, I so wish, for them again.  I want you to hold me one last time.  I want to hold your hand if only for 2 more seconds.  I want to see you look at me through sincere eyes.  I want more time...more time with you.



October 15 2007


1. Are you currently mad at someone?
a bit, yes

2. Which of your family members has the worst temper?
prolly my mom...okay definitely my mom

3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone?
oh yes

4. Does your face turn red when you're angry?
well, my face is red all the time...so...sure

5. When you're mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell?
both cuz i'm cool like that

1. Has anyone ever thrown a surprise party for you?

uh duh no 

2. Are you easily excited?
yes i suppose so

3. What event is coming up that you're most excited about?
i'm not excited about too much right now...probably wednesday night...

4. If you won a million dollars, what would be your first thought?
i have no thoughts....NAW i'm just playin....prolly...OMG

5. If you could have anything right now what would it be?

oh everyone knows...who i want.  it's not who you think either.  unless you think the right person.  then that would be right.  :)


1. Name:


2. Birthday:
November 22 (Thanksgiving)


3. What's your main goal in life?

um...whatever God's main goal for my life is 


4. Do you want to have children?
idk...i guess so.  love children!

(when i'm married, duh)

5. How do you want to die?

i don't particularly think of such morbid things


1. Are you against gay marriage?
yes.  adam and eve not adam and steve


2. Lower the drinking age?

3. Capital Punishment?
it depends


4. Abortion?

is murder

*it's not a choice, it's a child*

5. Democrat or Republican?


1. Do you love someone?
i think i do...i hope so.  if love is real, then yes i do.  (and again, it's not who you think unless you think the right person, then that would have to be correct.)

2. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

boy...do i wish.


3. Is it better to have loved and lost than never loved at all?
i guess so either way...love sucks


4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
do i believe in love at all?


5. Would you tattoo your lover's name on your body?
um...no thanks 


Q: How many beds did you lay in today?
like 1

Q: What color shirt are you wearing?

Q: Name one thing that you do everyday?

Q: How much cash do you have on you right now?
i have none....:P

Q: Look to your left. what is there?
a piano and some other stuff

Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone?

a shirt...it's real cute too!
Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day?
 phusebox...and email

Q: Do you have plants in your room?
um...no i don't think.  maybe somewhere under all the stuff.  lol

Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now?
does my heart count...

Q: What city was your last taxi cab ride in?
i don't ride in taxis.  they frighten me.
Q: Do you own a picture phone?
yes, in fact, i do.

Q: Recent time you were really upset?
like now.  :(


1. Person you saw?

2. Person that said they loved you?
i don't know.  don't care.

OH ACTUALLY it would have been mrs. shawn, the pastor's wife


3. Movie watched in cinema?
um.............i think it was hairspray.  i could be mistaken.


4. Song you listened to?


5. Person you talked on the phone with?


1. What are you doing right now?
this and breathing...sorta

2. What are you doing tonight?
mime.  i think.  not like i will really be there anyway 


3. What are you going to eat?

(gosh tyler why'd you have to steal my dang answer???)


4. Did you accomplish anything today?
i guess.  if you call...making it through the school day accomplishing something...then yes i did.


5. What shoes are you wearing?
my wond-ee-ful rocket dogs. 



1. Is?
um...tuesday.  one more day till wednesday!
2. My plans are?
piano and school...and hopefully talking to that one person


3. Are you going to laugh?
golly gee i hope so

4. Any TV show you watch coming on?
well...maybe some reruns of smallville or scrubs...but i don't watch tv all that much really


5. Do you know what you will eat?