Relationship Status
Siegel High School
Running, art, friends, cross country, listening to storms, rain, obsessing over penguins!
Favorite Music
Hairspray, Aida, Rent, Avenue Q, Anna Nalick, Jack Johnson, Lifehouse, Howie Day, Dave Matthews Band, James Taylor, James Blunt
Favorite Movies
Donnie Darko, Disney, Harry Potter, Bubble Boy, The Day After Tomorrow, Saved, Superstar, Rent, Old School, American Pie
Favorite Books
Harry Potter, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series
Other Websites
Life Blows Up In Your Face
December 16 2006
December 14 2006
Ok, so I have been single for quite some time now, I jsut never get on this to change my status or blog.
XC season was amazing this year. The girls rocked and we are just amazing. Senior year has made me realize many things. I am incredible (self confidence is growing I think), the less I care the happier I am, and that I just go to school to sit down. Well that is about it.
BTW, I have been accepted at MTSU and UTC. Hopefully my mom will let me go and allow me to attend UTC.
Regions '06
October 26 2006
October 01 2006
Senior Year
August 12 2006
My senior year is going to be the best year of high school! I have good classes (at least a friend in each!), great cross country season, and I have a great personality and attitude going into it!
We Ready...'07!
Relationships are weird
July 31 2006
Rhode Island
July 25 2006
I Survived Brevard Distance Runners Camp
July 23 2006
I just got back from cross country camp last night. It was the best year ever! Here are some pictures...
Max and I were homonus omonused together. Btw, homonus omonusing is when Salty declares two people a camp couple.
Salty squirted everyone with water...teeheehee
The senior girls on the scariest rock ever! (John Rock) Which my camera almost rolled down and off of it...not good!
The whole cross country team on John Rock.
Trying on some crazy hats the night we went to Walmart.
Michelle and I trying to suck out the extra juice out of the ice thingy.
Sam and I practicing for the three legged race. Do I have to mention we lost?
Max and I trying to win the challenge where you put a Mentos in Diet Coke and try putting the cap on as fast as you can! We lost, diet coke in the eyes doesn't feel pleasant!
Hooker Falls!
The last night all the girls slept in one room.
The girls!
The Homonus Omonus couples.
The girls chilling in the hot yub with Salty.
Jessa and Nicky's fortress keeping invaders out of their bed...somehow I managed to get over it while I was sleep walking...
North Carolina is soo pretty!
Prom Dress
July 14 2006
I bought this dress for prom. It was only $20. Please give me your honest opinion.
Youth Leadership Workshop
July 13 2006
My Birthday is Monday!!!
July 08 2006
My Birthday is Monday!!! Yay! Happy Birthday to Me!
I leave for Youth Leadership Workshop tomorrow. I am getting excited.
I am for sure going to Rhode Island at the end of the month to run a 10 mile race with my uncle and to see my cousins. I hear Rhode Island is beautiful and that the tap water tastes INCREDIBLE! I am so freaking excited!
Pictures of my family reunion in West Virginia!!!
July 03 2006
Cari and I swinging
Hot Tub Fun!
My cousin made this for our Grandpa...teeheehee
Nick and I eating...or at least I am...
Me Jumping in the pool.
Nick and I seran wrapped my arms to keep me from scratching my poison ivy (which was everywhere!)
My brother's wife achorying (?) my brother...lol...
my brother being silly
Me mini golfing.
Nick and I sleeping together...its West Virginia...they accept that there...lol
reenacting this picture taken when we were 4 months old...
Caleb trying on my swim suit...Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini (song)
The Pardy at da pool!
June 24 2006
So here are my summer countdowns...
Today is the first official day of Dead Period (2 weeks where we can't have contact with our coach...therefore no mandatory practices!!)
2 days till I leave to go to West Virginia for a family renioun! (very excited to see my cousin and go on many adventures)
16 days till my seventeenth birthday
22 days till the team leave for cross country camp...a bunch of fun minus the running.
Now I feel like leaving pictures of last summer activities...
rafting in West Virginia
Eating chinese and playing with the chopsticks with my CRAZY cousins.
Cross Country camp in Brevard, North Carolina...beautiful!
I am nausiated after this one!
June 21 2006
The Devil's Den...Hell for short
June 20 2006
Nothing is keeping me from going to UTC
June 18 2006
I am going to UTC. Even if my mom doesn't even have faith in me that I will be able to get scholarships, a job, and get my times in cross country down. She fucking told me I'll be going to MTSU becuase I can't get a job, I won't be able to get scholarships cause I am too stupid (basically), and that I am not fast enough to run in college. I have to bring my time down a minute and I will be running in the 19s. That is good enough in most colleges. I hate how they aren't supportive. This is why I want to leave Murfreesboro sooo bad. I am sick of my parents. Right now I hate them for never pushing me in acedemics until it is too late and telling me I am not that great of a runner. I am really pissed off at them right now.
And seriously, who wants to go to a school (MTSU) and be in athletics where you can make the team, easily, but there isn't even enough money to have Men's soccer??
The world around me is hooked up
June 12 2006
The Good Ol' Days
June 09 2006
So my friend, Sarah, and I went out to get something to eat and to hang out for a bit. Then we had to great idea of going back to the school we met at, Mitchell-Nelson Elementry. We reminised about the good ol' days in 6th grade. Well, time for pictures...
We used to hang upside down all the time in 5th and 6th grade.
This is Sarah
We used to play 4-square all the time, that was the game to play. BTW, that is the 4-square we are lying on.