
July 02 2005
im getting this big, really ugly gap between my front 2 teeth. the people at the orthodontist office said the gap was good, but that doesn't change the fact that its big and ugly and i hate it. and its only supposed to get bigger. someone make it go away. please.

and i still want to play tennis.


July 02 2005
Do you have a palet spreader? That thing really sucks.

Sarah Vermillion

July 02 2005
It'll go awy when you get your top braces, I promise. That happened to my friend Rachel. She had braces in like, 6th grade. And then this past year her dentist said "Your mouth isn't wide enough!" So they put in spacers and TOTALLY screwed up her perfect teeth (they put braces on them later). She had a huge gap between her front teeth for Military Ball. But ya know what? She was still the prettiest girl there by FAR.

Rachael Robertson

July 02 2005
i shall make it go away... i am a magician... but i have to have a blue unicorn to do it so get that for me and you're all set

Jane Woodard

July 02 2005
then play tennis, silly

Michael Border-Line Pronounceable

July 02 2005
I think you should roll the dentist's office. He just wants your moolah and he doesn't really care anything about your teeth.