mady has a good day

June 28 2005
i hada good day. a really good day. do you want to hear about it? good. and if you said no...get over it.

i got up and went to my sectional which you already read about if you read my entry from earlier...if it now.
then i came home and got online and talked to alyssa. much fun.
then grace called and came and got me.
then me and her went to get icees...we kidnapped brian on the way.
so we went to walmart. their coke icee machine was on defrost...bad brian whined and complained and got a cd. so i was looking at the cds and i found the train cd with the song drops of of course i got it! yay!!!
so we get back in graces truck and brian was all "where are we going...blah blah blah...whine whine whine" so we took him home...but not before he broke grace's mirror with his bad attitude and his oh so ugly face (haha)
so me and grace went to 3 more places searching for icees. we finally found one. and i am officially am the messiest icee maker ever. lol.
so then me and grace met alex p. at the library and me and grace read for like 3 hours...alex left after about an hour.
so we talked to jordan who said he and donald would be walking to fazolis tonight...we were thats too far...blah blah blah. so eventually they call and are like "come get us" so grace had to call alex to take me so she could take jordan and donald. then they call and say they dont know if they are gonna come, but grace made them. ha.
so we went to fazolis and had fun.
then we went to my house for a minute.
then we went to the library and played with the fountain...i got all wet. haha. then we played tag. at one point michael was chasing me and grace and she jumped over the i decided to go through the bushes...i wasnt about to try and jump over this branch decides to get in the way and i tripped and landed on my face...i laid there for a few minutes before i caught my breath was funny. so then i learned to make the noise with know...when you put it between your thumbs and blow...i couldnt do it for the longest time and donald kept making fun of me, but i eventually got it. very exciting. so then everyone decides to leave but grace and jane decided to stay a little longer, and i was goin home with grace so i stayed a little longer. so we were supposed to take jordan and donald home but they didnt know that and went to the underground so we went and got them and took them home. now we are back at grace's. mmm...i had a marvelous day.


June 28 2005
I read what happend on grace's phusebox: Fun, Fun, day!


June 28 2005
And there you have it. A minute by minute account of my Mady's day.


June 29 2005
Wow your day sure sounds fun! I like your new profile pic! Brian told me he broke a mirror just by looking at it! I thought that was hillarious!

Jane Woodard

June 29 2005
he hee. nice