Relationship Status
Animals, CHEERLEADING, History, CHEERLEADING, Shopping, CHEERLEADING, Dancing, youth group, chuurch CHEERLEADING
Favorite Music
May 22 2006
May 22 2006
Is that not the cuttest thing that you have ever seen? just for all yall who don't know who it is it's scamp from lady and the tramp my favorite disney movie of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just thought i'd share that witth yall
May 18 2006
don't you just love these glittery things? but unfortunately you can't make them your picture, i have to go do laundry now!!
May 18 2006
Yall I'm in the best mood today! yesterday was my last day of school!!! Only 3 weeks to MISSION FUGE, or somethin' like that!!! yall have a great day!
Sports Banquet!!!!!
May 13 2006
School Today...
May 04 2006
Today was awful!! this guy, one of my friends told a few people that he was thinking about commiting sucide and we got upset, includng me, but here's the twist, after school he was fine, he just wanted the attention and i am so pissed off, like he's had a hard life so far but who hasn't? we all have our problems and he needs to get over his instead of being some gothic person!! We're still friends but im just really mad.
on a better note one of my bestest friends is going on her last offical date with her current boyfriend awwwwwwwwwww, im so sorry for her! (long story)
April 28 2006
Hey guys and gals! i finally got back on here! we had cheerleading tryouts and i made it !!! and i made competition squad!! other big news - none really. i played soccer in french class today, even though i figured it would be horrid it was actually kinda fun!
just as a warning to anybody with friends it's a lot of stress to have two friends who like DESPISE eachother avoid it at all costs, no really do. one of my friends is a guy and the other one's a girl and they're ex's and something happened between them and it destroyed their relationship and they're like two of my best friends in the whole world and the guy's been all depressed, but i think that he's finally getting over it, but i don't know- so i guess there was other news, huh?
has anybody heard the Dixie Chicks new song? i don't think that it was incredibly intelligent of them to put out a song in which the lyrics say " im not ready to make nice, im mad as hell..." do you? neways let me know!
My theory About God's Humor
February 28 2006
Hey! So this is what I think, i think that God has to have a sense of humor,i mean come on. when you think about all the crazy stuff that happens in our lives for no reason at all?? if i was God i know i absolutely would have SO much fun messin' with our heads!! i figure that's why im not God ( that and a whole BUNCH of other reasons!!lol!!) and i also think that its pretty cool that God has a sense of humor, and is not some serious control freak!! just thought id give yall my opinion.
February 24 2006
Hey! I haven't been on in a while, sorry!! I can now wear a size 1 in pants!!! I figure it's because of cheerleading, b/c i wasn't tryin to lose weight, but whatever.I got the cuttest cami and shirt!! And i recently saw a really cool billboard message on a church it said " Have faith, and leave the rest to God." Which i thought was really awesome and inspirational. We're doin a magazine sale at school and if you sell 180 dollars worth of stuff your exempt from one of your exams!!!! Soooo Im not takin algebra.
February 16 2006
Hey guys!! My school's seniors decorated our whoe school for valentines day, and you can buy stuff and have them send it to anybody, you can also buy songs and send them to people.( Laffy Taffy was a choice so everyone chose that for a joke) Nothing incredibly interesting happed to me on valentines day or since the last time i was here. this weekend is our last game, ( im really upset, i love cheering!!) Brittni, our captain graduates this year and I am going to cry so much when she does. I have absolutely no clothes, like my closet is full of things but I never have anything to wear!! do any of all have that problem? b/c i have it everyday!!
P.S. God loves you!!!
February 09 2006
Just remembered that there is a websie with stupid stuff like ways to annoy the pizza guy, and stupid stuff to do in walmart. So I decided to try some of them and guess what? wal-mart wll let you put a bag of m&m's on layaway!!! They told me yes and then an hour later told my friend no, she told them that they might run out and they let her do it!! There's a WHOLE bunch of stupid stuff on the website, you can also try to order term life insurance through the pizza guy, it dosen't work, i promise!! lol!!
NO School!!!!!
February 09 2006
Bored 2 Death
February 08 2006
Hey Guys!! What's goin on? nothin much here!! i have to wear a heart moniter today!!! ugggggggggggggggg!! Had a game last night, it was so much fun!! So yeah anyway I am soooooooooooo bored!! Just won another razor phone. Yall have a great night!!
February 06 2006
Pop- Ups
February 06 2006
Pretty sure that i just answered one of those pop up questions and won a motorolla razor phone!! those things are soooooooooo stupid. i mean honestly if i collected all of the prizes i supposidly won i would pratically be living in disney world!!! lol gtg
February 06 2006
Hey Guys!! What's Up? I had to have my blood drawn today, ughhhhhhhh! But honestly it wasn't that bad. I got my midterm grades, did really well!!
My ipod got a virus on it called jag5, it sounded like a motor running and then my ipod froze, i had to call the guy at the electronic store to fix it, them i had to take all of my songs off and put them back on, INCREDIBLY annoying!!!!!
Did anybody see the Superbowl? I was so mad when Pittsburg won!! that was crap! honestly they've won it like 80 billion times!!!
Well talk to ya later!! leave me some comments!!!