first week..

May 27 2006
well.. its our first week off, and it still quite hasnt hit me that we are officially in summer break. i feel like even though im off, ive hardly gotten to see anyone. and i shall not be here for most of june, so i am going to miss everyone terribly. i want yall all to come with me. and when i get back, we are defenitely hanging out.. alot. love yall!

Garrett Haynes

May 27 2006
Yeah...I am gonna miss u : [ we need to have some serious hang out time when u get back and get caught up. I feel like we never get to talk that much anymore! ahhhh! well i luv ya. ~G

kaitlin gay

May 30 2006
ah! you leave thursday for like 5000 weeks. and im not going to see you and im going to miss you and cry every single night, because i wont have my ami driver. and you arent going to have service in hawaii, so HOW ON EARTH am i going to talk to you. geez louise.. this is just no good. i will call you and you can come over so we can spend the last hours together! ♥