Ummmm... thanks...

February 01 2006
    So today as I was walking across campus, this lady stops me and asks me if I want to go to this weight loss seminar. I take the pamphlet because that's way easier then explaining that I don't want to, then as I was leaving she's like "I knew you'd be interested." Sooo... yea I'm walking away thinking "gee that makes you feel great" haha... yea anyway...
    On another note I HAVE WAY TOO MUCH HOMEWORK!!!! How I'm gonna get it all done is way beyond me!

Chris Slate,

February 01 2006
aww... becca poo... i dont think ur fat... lol... but yeh... ill c u tonight...

kim and dani

February 01 2006
you should have defenestrated her

Becca Hicks

February 01 2006
don't you just love people like that? haha. anyways, thanks for the remark...i'm glad you like my picture :] anyways, we should go out and do something just you and me sometime. i'd really like to talk to you about some things one on one. since i can't go to fwc anymore, we'll definately have to do something. call me sometime and we can possibly work something out or just talk. mucho love, [becca]

Linda Turner

February 01 2006
Wow, you're words of wisdom inspire me! : ) you are truly an insperation. You could be right about us having more in common than we think. But I don't think scrabble skills would ever be an "in common" thing. Lol!

Jessica Jo

February 02 2006
Hey. When you mean "we need to talk" is that a good we need to talk or a bad we need to talk. And don't even pay attention to what that woman DO NOT need to lose any weight. I hope you have a good day. I miss you. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever.

Jessica Jo

February 02 2006
Yes. We definitely need to catch up very very soon. I have a lot to tell you. Hopefully we can both find time soon. I love you.

Becca Hicks

February 02 2006
yeah, i'm coming to the cookout! :) i'm surprised my mom's letting me seems as if she hates that church now... *sad face* i wish i could take back anything that would even make my parents consider changing churches...i miss you guys way too much and i've only missed one week... see you tomorrow night, [becca]