
November 14 2005
    NO CLASS THIS MORNING!! Ok I am a bit excited. I convinced my teacher that since she had a meeting and class was going to be shortened anyway and because we needed more time to work on homework, she should give us today off. That is my morning class, and I am going to do my service hours later, so I don't have to be in till 12:40. So that means I have more time to do my homework and can actually do a fitting job.

    So why is it that we can see so plainly what our friends are doing that is stupid... we see what they should do... Do we do things that, in others eyes, are as plainly wrong, or harmful? (extremely exasperated sigh)... sometimes I wish I could make others decisions for them. Not all the time of course, but only in the case that I know that they are seemingly unfit to make a proper one, and that they are going to hurt themselves.

Russell Rodden

November 14 2005
I feel you on that one. Most of the time we are hypocritical in that sense though. Like you said we are usually doing things that are just as stupid in others eyes. Maybe sometimes it would be cool just to have the ability to read people's minds.