
November 03 2005
I have always thought that the idea of a blog was strange. Were I to
write my intermost thoughts, or that which I was truly feeling, I would
not post it on the internet for the world to see. My thoughts may at
times be such that I am willing to share, but that is not always the
case. Those thoughts which I would feel necessary to keep I would not
write in a public place. Unless, of course, in
a moment of weakness, I desired to release built up emotion through
writing. Even that, however, I could do through my journaling. Yet,
here I am. I have entered my e-mail address onto a screen and thus
initiated a site wherein people expect that that which they read will
give them insight into my thoughts. We shall soon see. 

Paul Morgan

November 03 2005

Russell Rodden

November 04 2005

Russell Rodden

November 04 2005

Rebecca Jensen

November 04 2005
I didn't mean to be... when I write, I take on a style which is entirely seperate from the way I speak. It's not that I am trying to sound formal, but that I have always written in this form. It is very difficult to write as I speak.