Lonely Tuesdays

November 08 2005

Hey guys-

I'm just sitting here bored...with an hour and forty minutes before my next class.  I just got my history paper back...solid B+ without corrections...so that made me feel a little better cuz I didn't have much to fix.  I still have math to work on tonight...plus work...which I'm sure will be a blast.

  I got sick last night and had to leave work early.  Lindsay came and got me and brought me some medicine and a coke and took me back to her house.  She cooked me totally awesome french toast and we worked on homework while her mom watched The Notebook on my laptop. I mean just something that small really hit me hard...because outside of my family I've never had anybody that would do anything like that for me...and I just don't know what to say...I love here more than life itself...She completes me.  I didn't really get much work done but the way I was feeling I didn't care.  It was like the only thing that made me feel better at all was being with her...holding her. It was like I was just aching for her touch...just to hold my hand...anything at all.  I don't think I could live without her..she's like air..like oxygen...I don't just like her...I love her...I don't just want to be with her..I NEED to be with her.

I NEED to be with her for the rest of my life and I don't care who knows it. I just...I dunno..I miss her a lot right now. I should probably be working on math problems but I just can't concentrate.  One more day til I get to see her. 

I picked up an apartment guide out of sheer boredom yesterday. I don't really know why. It's not like I can afford a place right now anyway. I really wish I had a car because I found some really good deals on places in Fountain City, but I'll cross that birdge when I come to it. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.  I'd rather have a little house to share with my baby than a tiny apartment and live by myself.  Anyway...I'm just gonna get off here and curl up and take a nap before class.  Later.
