Dan the Dan-Man Daniel
Relationship Status
MTCS...oh hey, I graduated! Suck it Cougars!
Freed-Hardeman baby!
Favorite Movies
I don't know, pick some...I saw the Da Vinci Code and liked it.
Favorite Books
Lord of the Rings, Picture of Dorian Gray, Heart of Darkness, Great Gatsby
August 08 2006
I cant believe I woke up to go to school. Ah well. I hope you all are having a grand summer. I am gonna go spend the rest of it in bed I think...
It's so sad that we're all going away so soon. I mean, I'm looking forward to it and all, but it's still really sad....so yeah, night fellas.
July 17 2006
Laptop baby!
May 31 2006
Okay, right, so it's not very good. It's an Inspiron B130, the cheapest thing you can buy. Aw well, it works nicely for me. Indeed, I am writing this via it, and it turns out that there is a wireless network so close to where I live that I am currently using it! Is this bad? Probably. Oh well.
Anywho, I went to Harding this weekend. Loooong drive. But we did eventually get there. It was very nice, quite organized and uniformed looking...so yeah, I really don't know where I wanna go to college now. There is no reason why I can't got to either Freed or Harding. Prayers are much appreciated!
Till next time,
May 25 2006
I dont think my comp likes Phusebox...AOL has clicked off five times. Eh, oh well.
Yes, I am here again. Surprise. I may update. I may not. Don't count on it. Anyways, I'm totally bored because I am far too cool to go to camp. Honestly. Expect new pictures that you've all seen before. Anyways, I'll talk to ya in a year or two. If your lucky.
Oh yeah, way to go Pearcy on your flippen sweet laptop.
--Dan the Dan-Man Daniel
zz z zz *snort* z z z z
January 30 2006
So I stayed up till 2 working on the sports page divider for the year book. Yeah, then I stayed up till 5 working on that OTHER bit of homework, my AP English research project on Dorian Gray (excellent book BTW). And thanks to my good friend, Mr. Vanilla Coke, I am not even very tired yet. Oh well. And neither was due today. Darn. I'll sleep when I'm dead.
And I'll make an honest effort to update this thing. Honest. Okay, well, maybe. Sometimes. Yeah right. Leave some.
Incoherently yours,
I'm baaaaack!
November 09 2005
Hey there! I am currently in Captain Robb's class, doing something that nobody understands. Xanga won't work, but this will!
So yeah, Drew got busted today. A week of O.S.S., counseling, and no telling what else. I'm so sorry Drew, I'm praying for you.
Hmm....not much else today. I've got an essay to BS tonight. Gonna burn the midnight oil!