Paul Morgan


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LEE University

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October 29 2006

You know, it's times like these when my prayer is something like
this: "God, right now life is sucking but you said that you work all
things for my good. Please show me that you're still in control."

had several things happen recently, and here's one of them. So last
night I'm driving back to Lee and suddenly my RPM's jump from about
2,500 (normal) to about 7,000 (my car's red line). I quickly hit the
clutch and try to change gears, but I can't get it to go into any
gears. It was locked as if the clutch wasn't separating the disks in the
transmission. My car also gave off a REALLY bad smell.

That's the bad news, but there is a God part to it (as there is in most
things in life, you just have to look in the right direction). I was
1/2 an hour in the direction of Lee and remembered that I had to get
into Chris's dorm room tonight, but he's staying in the boro tonight.
So, I turn around and go get his key. They my car dies 2 minutes from
my house. Dieing 1/2 way to Lee would suck, but I was brought back :-).
before it happened

adam rodrigues

October 29 2006
cool. yeah, cause if you called me halfway to lee, i pretty much would leave you stranded ;-). Maybe not. I might do the christian thing.

Russell Rodden

October 29 2006
Haha. Dying would suck anywhere you were. But yeah. You know Cherry is still here in the boro, so if you need a ride back you might wanna give her a call. ;)

Bill Morgan

October 29 2006
Glad you made it to a 'safe place' before the car died. No doubt you need to get the car checked ... let me know what you learn. As for the sucky life ... hmmm, sounds like I need to call you this week.


October 29 2006
awesome story, but it sucks that life isn't going so well for you. you need my prayers youve always got them :)


October 29 2006
no not putting it as my profile pic. i don't want a pic of my in the profile...which kind ruins the point of having one...but ho cares! lol*