Randy Lewis


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April 24 2006


By: John Ogden, Sr.

He will
transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of His glorious
body, by the power that enables Him to subject everything to Himself.

Philippians 3:21

We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. If we only do
what we have always done, we will only be what we have always been. If we
are to grow in our relationship with God then we are the ones who must grow
and change. God is unchanging. We are the ones who will grow and produce change
as we follow Him.

Are you growing in your Christian walk? Look back over the past 5 years of
your walk with Christ. Have you changed? Are you changing today? A fundamental
element of the Christian experience is change, we are always changing. We
are daily entering into His presence and being changed more and more into
His likeness. If we are not changing, then we are not growing. If we are not
growing then we are not living. Christ came that we might have life and have
it to the fullest. The full life which Christ desires each of us to have is
a life that is totally saturated in Him. It is a life that is constantly expanding,
constantly growing, constantly striving for more and more of God.

Seek the presence of the Lord today. Inquire of the Father where you need
to be changed, how you need to grow. Then surrender to His process!

This is the latest CMA on-line devotion. Any comments?