Randy Lewis


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Man Can't, God Can

March 27 2006
This is the latest devotion from a Christian Motorcycle organization that I belong to. Some of us have been trying to deal with things on our own. Maybe, if we could remember this from scripture, it will help us turn it all over to God. I hope so anyway. Without Him, we are nothing.

he saw Jesus from afar, he ran and worshiped Him.
(Mark 5:6)

This setting of scripture describes the account of a man called Legion, which
is recorded in Mark 5:1-20. You may want to read the entire setting of scripture.
Here we see the story of a man that could not help himself, nor could the
wisdom and best intentions of the leaders (doctors, lawyers, priests, etc.)
in his hometown. When the leaders had done all that they could, they released
him and left him in hopelessness to dwell in the tombs of the dead. Many people
today are living among the dead with no hope. With man, there is no hope;
with God, there is always hope and deliverance.

As the story unfolds, we see Legion running to Jesus and falling down to worship
Him. Then the bondage of the world, both physical and spiritual, took control
of him, and he could not do what he desired to do. Jesus broke the bondage
and set Legion free as we see Legion in verse 15 clothed and in his right

You may be at your wits end in circumstances and situations. You may feel
as if you cannot go on. You may feel that your situation is hopeless. The
doctors may have given you a bad report. May I remind you that there is hope
in Jesus! I challenge you to do as Legion did: fall down, give the circumstances
and the situations to Him, and ask Him to do the impossible. In Him there
is hope.

D(["mb","n <br>n Remember that where our possibility ends, it is just the beginning of the n possibilities in Christ. Put your confidence in Him, and you will be more n than an overcomer.</font></p>n </blockquote>n<div alignu003d"center"><font coloru003d"#CC0000" sizeu003d"2" faceu003d"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Christian n Motorcyclists Association, P.O. Box 9, 4278 HWY 71 South, Hatfield, AR 71945, n (870) 389-6196, <a hrefu003d"http://www.cmausa.org" targetu003d"_blank" onclicku003d"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">www.cmausa.org</a>, <a hrefu003d"http://shop.cmausa.org" targetu003d"_blank" onclicku003d"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">shop.cmausa.org</a></font></div>nnnnnnnn<img srcu003d"http://m1e.net/c?51145233-j8hUmkdkr/nrY%401522539-ZNB01uGDaLw0k" altu003d"">nnn<p>nTo unsubscribe/change profile:n<a hrefu003d"http://www.mailermailer.com/x?uu003d51145233c-2ee86b02" targetu003d"_blank" onclicku003d"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">click here</a>n</p>nn<p>nTo subscribe:n<a hrefu003d"http://www.mailermailer.com/x?oidu003d04875y" targetu003d"_blank" onclicku003d"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">click here</a></p>nn<hr><small>Email list management powered by <a hrefu003d"http://MailerMailer.com" targetu003d"_blank" onclicku003d"return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://MailerMailer.com</a></small>n</div>",0]

Remember that where our possibility ends, it is just the beginning of the
possibilities in Christ. Put your confidence in Him, and you will be more
than an overcomer.