

Relationship Status



Tennessee Tech


July 25 2006
Daniel's fever this morning is 102.  Mom says that if he's acting normally, then I should just treat the fever.  As she pointed out, with so many antibiotics in his system, there's no way it's anything bacterial.  That means it's most likely a virus, and there's nothing we can do for a virus but treat the symptoms.

I got up early today so I'd have time to feel human before the baby yelled at me to come and get him.  He was yelling when I woke up.  He's a sneaky baby.  I burnt my tongue on my coffee.  This is hardly the worst thing these days, but it still hurts.  Wah.

Bill Morgan

July 25 2006
Hmmm, 102 ... glad I'm not a Dr. I would have reacted ... after several days of fever. Are you human yet? Did you know your husband loves you?