Jeana Lewis


Chris' Shiner

March 23 2006
Thought I'd get this out there so Chris could relax.  He's SO proud to have a black eye.  Ugh!  Boys will be boys...


March 24 2006
AAAAAAA-MAZ-ING will the poor boy ever learn?


March 24 2006
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! dont think so...haha!


March 24 2006 did this happen??? Hey its so good to hear from you. Cheerleading just wasn't a lot of fun for me this year. Part of it was this was my first year away from my old school, but then everything was just different this year. So....yeah if I go to a new school next year i'll probably cheer, but I don't know about that. I love you and miss you, Gabri

Ken Wendland

March 24 2006
I know what happened to him. My elbow happened to him. Sorry Chris.