Jeana Lewis


Emotions. Can You Trust Them?

March 10 2006
Moods, emotions, feelings, bad days, good days, happiness, sorrow, anger, is any of that something we can trust?  If not, what can we trust.  I know you'll all say God (and I agree) but is that anything else?


March 10 2006
i think we can trust the fact that even if we do have a bad day or when situations come up that suck beyond all reason, no matter how bad it is something positive comes out of it. Whether it makes you stronger, you learn things about people, or how to cope in different circumstances... something, even if it's small, will end up making the situation brighter. It make take awhile to see it...and that's when, trusting God as you, is our ultimate stronghold.


March 10 2006
*must be our ultimate strong hold

Randy Rodden

March 10 2006
YOU CAN TRUST ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not amanda, she speeks nonsense!!