what a night

July 17 2006

late night sonic run + whistles + pixie stick + energy drink +  a couple a pretty tired guys + going to the bathroom with no light other than mere's fancy "entertainment cell phone" + telling funny stories+ fiting/smooshing 4 people in the little back seat = a recipe for F-U-N!! ahh yes SPONSER RUSH! i would have to say IT one FANTASTIC night!!!!

kaitlin gay

July 17 2006
boys rush? haha.. sounds like fun. are we ever going to hang out?! i miss you SO SO SO VERY much! mm.. actually, we ARE going to hang out and its going to be very soon. i love you, my darling. and im pretty sure that there is a lovely young lady that has a birthday coming up in.. mm.. 15 days! yayyy!!!

meredith taylor

July 17 2006
wow yes i totally agree that was amazing!!!!! i love the "entertainment cell phone" while going to the bathroom!!! I could make millions on that!!! lol!!! love you gurl!!!