Planning a Wedding in Germany

February 10 2007
Anyone ever planned a wedding in Germany?  I'll broaden that.  Anyone ever planned a wedding in another country?  While you're in the US?  For homework?  Lucky you.

So, I'm in this course about Berlin this semester.  And ordinarily, I like Dr. Weidner's assignments.  They're inventive, and we use our German in a variety of contexts.  However...

The assignment is to plan a wedding in the tower of the Französicher Dom (French Cathedral).  Sounds fun and happy.  I found the website for the church (that's in Berlin, that I've never been to) and have looked for information on planning a wedding.  It doesn't exist.  Nothing.  Zilch.  Nada.  There are several lovely vignettes about the history of the church and cute little pictures of the sanctuary, which I would dearly love to see Satan destroy with an earth-shaking boom.

I've worked on this for over an hour, and have unearthed nothing (except my desire to see the church drown in Satanic flame).  I've contacted someone else in the class for input, and will e-mail the teacher tomorrow if the other student can't find anything.  This isn't exactly information I can make up (cost of renting the church, how many people it will hold, stuff like that).

If any of you feel inclined to help, you can visit the following website and search for the word "Hochzeit" (wedding)...