

Relationship Status

In A Relationship


Blackman High


March 29 2006

1. First name: Ali, but some know me as Duck
2. Do you wish on stars?: if im bored....
3. When did you last cry?: when my dog died
4. Do you like your handwriting?: i guess so.....
5. What is your favorite lunch meat?: umm.... that's a stupid question..... bacon?
6. What is your birthdate?: feburary 12, 1992                                   7. What is your most embarassing CD?: the shrek soundtrack                                                                                            8. If you were someone else, would you be friends with you?: heck yes!                                                                                                 9. Do you have a Diary/journal?: sorta..... no, no i dont
10. Do you use sarcasm alot?: duuuh! lol
11. What are your nicknames?: the most common one is duck, but im not gonna list them all 
12. Would you bungee jump?: i plan on it
13. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?:  i think so.....
14. Do you think you are strong?: i have very little upper body strength, but im strong mentally, if that counts
15. What is your fave ice cream flavor?: chocolate chip cookie dough. yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum.............                                                           16. What is your shoe size?: 7 1/2
17.Red or pink?: ..... pink i guess? i dunno, these are stupid questions.....                                                                                   18. What is your least fave thing about you? nose, legs that used to be pretty but got stupid scarred up.....
19. Who do you miss most? if i told you i'd have to kill you..... 
21. What color pants and shoes are you wearing?: blue jeans and i am shoeless....                                                 

22. What are you listening to right now?: Apathetic Way to Be, by relient k
23. Last thing you ate?: did i eat today?.... um..... oh yeah, a cookie. i dont think i had any real food today and it's 4:30......
24. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: a pretty one? i dunno, im not a crayon....
25. What is the weather like right now?: sunny with a high of 75! perfect weather and im on the computer....                                      26. Last person you talked to on the phone?: kirby.... no, tyler.... i dont know!....
27. First thing you notice about the opposite sex: sadly, if they have nice hair or arms....                                                                         
29. Favorite drink?: DR.PEPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!30. Favorite sport drink?: lemon lime gatorade
31. Hair color?: brownish......
32. Eye color?: a really pretty greenish blueish grayish brownish purpleish....
33. Do you wear contacts?: noo
34. Favorite food?: junk: anything chewy   actual food: i have no idea
35. Last movie you watched?: Stay Alive, it was freakin GOOD!!!
36. Favorite day of the year?: so far? uhmmmmmmmm........ that day at the rally was fun but prbly not my favorite, i dunno.....
37. Scary movies or happy endings?: scary..... ooooh......
38. Summer or winter?: summer!!!!!
39. Hugs or kisses?: hugs ar great, but sadly i never kissed a guy....
40. What is your favorite dessert?: it's all good, it's all good....
43. Living arrangements?: were i live now? i dont have my own house.... it's a two-story brick house.....                                          44. What books are you reading?: i think it's called Snake Charmer or sumthin.... 
45. What is on your mouse pad?: a whole lot of blue....                   46. What did you watch on TV last night?: does halo count?
47. Favorite smells?: guys smell good.....
48. Favorite sounds?: ripping velcro or music.... preferably relient k 
49. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?: yay for beatles!!!
50. What's the farthest you've been from home?: denver, colorado
51. Do you have a special talent?: i can dance good and i can make my tounge huge without it touching my teeth or anything, it's really sick.....                                                                                           52. Do you like cookies? random..... yeah, cookies are cool

Erin McElwee

March 30 2006
looks like that took a while to fill out. but thanks for the remark/comment thing <3


March 30 2006
omgsh i love cookies! i hate the computer kind though..

David Ambrose

April 02 2006
yeah, i got that from you

David Ambrose

April 02 2006
by the way........WHO DOES ALI LIKE??????